
Gary and Diane must prepare a presentation for their marketing class. As part of their presentation, they must do a series of calculations and prepare 50 PowerPoint slides. It would take Gary 10 hours to do the required calculation and 10 hours to prepare the slides. It would take Diane 12 hours to do the calculations and 20 hours to prepare the slides.
问题:If Diane and Gary have the same opportunity cost of $5 per hour, is there a better solution than for each to specialize in calculating or preparing slides?
答案:If Diane specializes in calculating, her opportunity cost will be $60; hence, Diane would be better off if she paid Gary any amount less than $60 to do the calculating. Since Gary’s opportunity cost of doing the calculations is only $50, he would be better off if Diane paid him between $50 and $60 dollars to do the calculations. In this case, the total time spent on the project would be 20 hours.(看不懂!!为什么gary有两个比较优势??)
