学而时习之 不亦说乎 有朋自远方来 不亦乐乎 的英文翻译


第1个回答  2012-02-26

Is it not a pleasure, having learned something, to try it out at due intervals? Is it not a joy to have like-minded friends come from afar?

To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is it not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful?
——Arthur Waley韦利

It is indeed a pleasure to acquire knowledge and, as you go on acquiring, to put into practise what you have acquired. A greater pleasure still it is when friends of congenial minds come from afar to seek you because of your attainments.
——Ku Hweng-Ming辜鸿铭
第2个回答  2012-02-26
Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned?
Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places?本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2012-02-26
是Learning proficiency for officialdom is also said to have friends coming from afar awfully
第4个回答  2012-02-26
Learning proficiency for officialdom is also said to have friends coming from afar awfully