

台州学院 学年 第 学期
级 专业 《管理学》 期末试卷(B卷)(闭卷)
班级____________ 姓名_____________学号____________
题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分
分值 15 13 12 20 40 100

一、选择题 (15分) (单项选择,共15题,每题1分)
B 1. Whereas _____________ is concerned with the means of getting things done, _____________ is concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.
a. effectiveness; efficiency
b. efficiency效率; effectiveness 效果
c. effectiveness; goal attainment
d. goal attainment; efficiency
c 2. The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is called _____________.
a. leading. b. coordinating. c. controlling. d. organizing.
A 3. Henri Fayol would be classified under which of the following management approaches?
a. General Administrative
b. Scientific Management 泰勒
c. Quantitative
d. Human Resource
4. Which of the following is not an example of an organization's general environment?
a. Industry conditions
b. Political conditions
c. Social conditions
d. Technological conditions
D 5. According to the text, because managers can’t possibly analyze all information on all alternatives, managers ______________, rather than ______________.
a. maximize; satisfice
b. maximize; minimize
c. satisfice; minimize
d. satisfice; maximize
a 6. A management system in which specific performance goals are jointly determined by employees and their managers is known as ______________.
a. management by objectives. 目标管理方法
b. means-ends chain.
c. traditional goal setting.
d. management by opinions.
C 7. In the strategic management process, any organizational skills or resources that are exceptional or unique are the organization's ______________.
a. strength basis.
b. opportunities.
c. core competencies.
d. success barometer.
C 8. ______________ is the process of creating an organization's structure.
a. Human resource management
b. Leading
c. Organizing
d. Planning
b 9. The ______________ is the continuous line of authority that extends from upper organizational levels to the lowest levels and clarifies who reports to whom.
a. chain of demand
b. chain of command
c. demand hierarchy
d. continuous design structure
b 10. As managers move up in organizations, they tend to need more _____________.
a. technical skills.
b. conceptual skills.
c. human skills.
d. supervision.
d11. Growth, achieving one’s potential, and self-fulfillment, and the drive to become what one is capable of becoming are characteristics of which need according to Maslow’s hierarchy?
a. physiological b. esteem c. social d. self-actualization
a 12. People will do better when they get ______________ because it helps identify discrepancies between what they have done and what they want to do.
a. feedback b. goals c. equity d. power
a. a 13. Persons who are able to influence others and who possess managerial领导 、authority are managers. b. leaders. c. organizers. d. team members.
termed ______________.
c 14. Who developed the first contingency model for leadership?
a. Blake and Mouton b. Adler c. Fiedler d. Lewin
d 15. Standards are created during the ______________ process.
a. controlling b. leading c. organizing d. planning

二、判断题  (13分) (对的打√,错的打×,共13题,每题1分)
1. The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. T
2. An organization's founder has little influence on its culture. F
3. Managers regularly use their intuition in decision-making. F √
4. A trucking company that grows by purchasing a chain of gasoline stations is engaged in horizontal integration. F
5. Porter's competitive strategies framework outlines how management can create and sustain a competitive advantage that will give a company above-average profitability. T
6. An organic organization tends to be characterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization, narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation in decision-making by low-level employees. F
7. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, and tight controls of the mechanistic structure. F
8. SWOT analysis is an analysis of an organization's environmental opportunities and threats. F
9. Job rotation is the implementation of lateral transfers allowing employees to work at different jobs in an organization. 对的
10. According to equity theory, a person who earns $80,000 will be less satisfied with their pay than a person who earns $100,000. F
11. Fiedler's contingency model of leadership style effectiveness depends on the ability and willingness of the subordinates. F
12. A group of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together is a cross-functional team. T
13. An increasing body of evidence suggests that strong cultures are associated with high organizational performance. T

三、根据案例提供情况选择答案 (12分)(单项选择,共8题,每题1.5分)
(一) Angie wants to understand what her subordinates think about their jobs. These employees are unmotivated.

A 1 . Angie tries to find how strongly employees believed that if they put effort into their work that they would perform the job satisfactorily. This could be defined as _____________.
a. expectancy
b. instrumentality
c. valence
d. equity
B 2. Angie tries to convince the employees that things will get better if they will work harder. As a process of talking to employees, Angie suggests that she will get raises for the employees based on their harder work. The employees do not believe that Angie can get them raises for working harder. The employees’ __________ is not very strong.
a. expectancy
b. instrumentality
c. valence
d. equity
C 3. In the end, the employees decide to work harder, and Angie is allowed to give them a raise of 2 percent. Several of the employees feel the raise was too small. This reinforced their feeling that the company will never pay them based on the value they add to the company. This idea refers to _____________.
a. expectancy
b. instrumentality
c. valence 效价
d. reinforcement
D4. The employees begin to compare their pay and work conditions to the pay and work conditions of friends and relatives who work in other companies in the local area. This process falls under __________ theory.
a. reinforcement
b. expectancy
c. goal-setting
d. equity

(二)Robert Downs has just completed a Master of Science degree in Computer Science at Major State University. He now wants to begin a new Internet business selling his services as a Web site maker for companies in his home city, St. Louis. He estimates that within 1 year, if his business idea is a success, that, at a minimum, he will be employing 10 programmers and 2 analysts.

D 5. To make his business successful, he will first have to develop which type of plans?
a. operational plans
b. specific plans
c. directional plans
d. strategic plans
A6. To clarify how the overall goals are to be achieved, he will have to develop which type of plans?
a. operational plans
b. specific plans
c. directional plans
d. strategic plans
B7. To ensure that the organization’s objectives are clearly defined and do not leave room for interpretation, he will have to develop which type of plans?
a. operational plans
b. specific plans
c. directional plans
d. strategic plans
C 8. To provide the programmers and analyst general guidelines about the efficiencies that are desired, he will have to develop which type of plans?
a. operational plans
b. specific plans
c. directional plans
d. strategic plans

四、问答题 (20分) (共2题,每题10分)
1. Describe and provide examples of first-line, middle, and top managers.
2. Discuss the characteristics for each of the four categories based on the BCG matrix.【

五、案例题 (40分) (共2题,每题20分)
突然有一天,总经理问李工所在的部门负责人王经理:“前段时间安排给李工去做的工作进展如何?一些项目为何没有按照要求去做。” 王经理被问得莫名其妙,委屈地说:“我不知道有这回事,李工也没有向我汇报过这个情况。”结果工程未达到要求,也没有按时完成,为此王经理受到了总经理批评。

2. ABC公司是一家中等规模的汽车配件生产集团。最近,对该公司的三个重要部门经理进行了一次有关领导类型的调查。
(2)鲍 勃
(3)查 里
第1个回答  2011-12-27