

In noisy and lonely life's journey on the platform, I chose alone with infinite loneliness, with their own power. Alone bear out light and heat, to complete their responsibilities, their beauty. Loneliness is not perish, not close their heart, more than willing to obscure. In solitude, feel is strong, was vigourous vigor. Loneliness is indispensable to life, savour lonely, can drink the bitter taste of rare and sweet, will make oneself of the soul in solitude sublimated into real strength汉译。。在喧哗和孤独的人生旅途的站台上,我选择了孤独着无边的寂寞,用自己的力量。独自承受发出光和热,去完成自己的责任,成就自己的美丽。 孤独不是沉沦,不是关闭自己的心扉,更不是甘愿默默无闻。在孤独中,能感受到的是坚强,是生机勃勃的活力。孤独是人生中不可或缺的饮品,能品味孤独,品尝着既苦涩而又香甜的人间奇珍,会使自己的灵魂在孤独中升华成为真正的强者