
帮我回答这几条问提啊!用英语或者中文都没有问提的.thank you very much。
1。what is leptospirosis?
2。what are the sysmptoms associalated with this disearse?
3。how do people get it?
4。how long is it between the time of exposure anohwhen people become sick?
5。how can't be treated?
6.how can it be prevented?

Characteristic sysmptoms of superantigen-mediated diseases include:
mucous prduction
shock leading to death
Chronic infection can cause autoimmune diseases and glomurelonephritis.(有的词太难了,不确定,从google找了一些英文,不知有没有用?抱歉)
3.Pathogenic Leptospira spp. cause leptospirosis. Human infection occurs through direct contact with the urine of infected animals or by contact with a urine-contaminated environment, such as surface water, soil and plants. The causative organisms have been found in a variety of both wild and domestic animals, including rodents, insectivores, dogs, cattle, pigs and horses. Leptospires can gain entry through cuts and abrasions in the skin and through mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. Human-to-human transmission occurs only rarely.

The number of human cases worldwide is not well-documented. It probably ranges from 0.1 to 1 per 100 000 per year in temperate climates to 10 or more per 100 000 per year in the humid tropics. During outbreaks and in high-risk groups, 100 or more per 100 000 may be infected. For several reasons leptospirosis is overlooked and consequently underreported in many areas of the world. In the wake of hurricane Mitch in 1995, an outbreak of leptospirosis with pulmonary haemorrhages was reported in Nicaragua. In 1998, there was an outbreak in the continental United States. 1998 also saw an outbreak in Peru and Ecuador following heavy flooding. A post-cyclone outbreak was reported in Orissa, India in 1999.

aim at control at the level of the infection source (e.g. rodent control, animal vaccination);
interrupt the transmission route (e.g. wearing protective clothing, refrain from contact with infected animals and from swimming in contaminated water, provide clean drinking-water); or
prevent infection or disease in the human host (e.g. vaccination, antibiotic prophylaxis, information to doctors, veterinarians, risk groups and the general population).

(另附加:1.消灭和管理传染源 开展灭鼠保粮灭鼠防病群众运动。结合“两管(水、粪)、五改(水井、厕所、畜圈、炉灶、环境)”工作,尤应提倡圈猪积肥、尿粪管理,从而达到防止污染水源、稻田、池塘、河流的目的。对带菌者和病畜进行检查治疗。对病人的血、脑脊液等严密消毒处理。
2.切断传播途径 结合工农业生产改造疫源地,防洪排涝。保护水源和食物,防止鼠和病畜尿污染。在流行地区和流行季节避免在疫水中游泳、嬉水、涉水。收割水稻前放干田水,或放农药处理;加强个人防护、皮肤涂布防护药。
3.增强个人免疫力 疫区居民、部队及参加收割、防洪、排涝可能与疫水接触的人员,尽可能提前1个月接种与本地区流行菌型相同的钩体多价菌苗。每年2次,间隔7天。剂量成人第1次1ml,第二次2ml。全程注射后人体产生的免疫力可持续1年左右。以后每年仍需同样注射。有心、肾疾患、结核病及发热患者不予注射。
4.药物预防 对高危易感者如孕妇、儿童青少年、老年人或实验室工作人员意外接触钩体、疑似感染本病但无明显症状时,可注射青霉素每日80~120万U,连续2~3日。此外,还可因地制宜选用土茯苓30g,鱼腥草15~30g,穿心莲、金银花等煮水服,或服中药成方“普济消毒饮”加减。
第1个回答  2006-02-07
第2个回答  2006-02-07
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects both humans and animals.
2 high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, chills, redness in the eyes, abdominal pain, jaundice, haemorrhages in skin and mucous membranes (including pulmonary bleeding), vomiting, diarrhoea and a rash.
4The disease is often difficult to diagnose clinically; laboratory support is indispensable.


第3个回答  2006-02-07

Leptospirosis is an infection in rodents and other wild and domesticated species. Rodents are implicated most often in human cases. The infection in man is contracted through skin abrasions and the mucosa of the nose, mouth and eyes. Exposure through water contaminated by urine from infected animals is the most common route of infection. Human-to-human transmission is rare.

Outdoor and agricultural workers (rice-paddy and sugarcane workers for example) are particularly at risk but it is also a recreational hazard to those who swim or wade in contaminated waters. In endemic areas the number of leptospirosis cases may peak during the rainy season and even may reach epidemic proportions in case of flooding because the floods cause rodents to move into the city.

Prevention strategies of human leptospirosis include wearing protective clothing for people at occupational risk and avoidance of swimming in water that may be contaminated. Leptospirosis control in animals is dependent on the serovar and animal species but may be either vaccination, a testing a culling programme, rodent control or a combination of these strategies.
第4个回答  2006-02-07
钩端螺旋体病,细螺旋体病:家畜患的一种传染性疾病,尤其是牛、猪和狗,由钩端螺旋体 属的螺旋体引发,其特征是:黄疸病,发烧 也作 swamp fever

Leptospirosis is an infection in rodents and other wild and domesticated species. Rodents are implicated most often in human cases. The infection in man is contracted through skin abrasions and the mucosa of the nose, mouth and eyes. Exposure through water contaminated by urine from infected animals is the most common route of infection. Human-to-human transmission is rare.

Outdoor and agricultural workers (rice-paddy and sugarcane workers for example) are particularly at risk but it is also a recreational hazard to those who swim or wade in contaminated waters. In endemic areas the number of leptospirosis cases may peak during the rainy season and even may reach epidemic proportions in case of flooding because the floods cause rodents to move into the city.

Prevention strategies of human leptospirosis include wearing protective clothing for people at occupational risk and avoidance of swimming in water that may be contaminated. Leptospirosis control in animals is dependent on the serovar and animal species but may be either vaccination, a testing a culling programme, rodent control or a combination of these strategies.
第5个回答  2006-02-07