高分求详解!!! 8道关于高中英语选择名词填空的题

1、Findig information in today's world is easy .The ___is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not .
(为什么A不行,翻译成 你怎样能知道你找到的信息是否有用是这种能力,我觉得挺通的)

2、despite such a big difference in————towards what one eats there is doubt that people in the west regard the chinese food as something special.
A point C attitude

3、It is reported that the top leaders of the two countries held talks in a friendly -------.
A atmosphere C situation

4.As we all know, the Internet will let people have ------- to huge amounts of information from their own homes.
A.entrance B.way D.access

5 The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the ______ of the murder committed last month.
A oberservers C witnesses

6.--Jack,what do you think of the event which not only promoted ( )of world hunger,but also raised a lot of money to help those poor children ?
-- that's great .
A awareness B contribution
7.the result f the test shows that most of the students have made much ___.
A progress D attempt
8.Many people in Haiti died from the earthquake because they didn’t have—————— to immediate rescue.
A. access B. admission C. approach
请逐个分析,只要能针对我的问题解释的通的就行, 好的话一定追加.

1、Findig information in today's world is easy .The ___is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not .
/ 整个合起来的意思是,找到信息并不难,但是关键(也就是挑战在于)是你要懂得如果去辨别信息的好坏。
如果要用ability, 可以是 前面一样,后面是,but the key is the ability to tell if the ……

2、despite such a big difference in————towards what one eats there is doubt that people in the west regard the chinese food as something special.
A point C attitude

这里是固定搭配,the attitude towards/toward sth.对……的态度
如果是point的话,一般是 sb's point of view on sth.

3、It is reported that the top leaders of the two countries held talks in a friendly -------.
A atmosphere C situation

4.As we all know, the Internet will let people have ------- to huge amounts of information from their own homes.
A.entrance B.way D.access

the access to sth./doing sth. 有做……的渠道,途径,入口
这里是sb. have the access to sth. 有接触到……的途径,方法,表示他们能接触到这类东西

而the entrance to 表示 ……的入口,一般是the entrance to university/ the cinema 这类的
the way to sp. 去……的路
the way to do sth. 做……的方法

5 The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the ______ of the murder committed last month.
A oberservers C witnesses
witnesses表示目击者,前面有律师,辩护啥的,一般在法庭上都是用 目击者

6.--Jack,what do you think of the event which not only promoted ( )of world hunger,but also raised a lot of money to help those poor children ?
-- that's great .
A awareness B contribution
the awareness of sth. ……的意识 这里是提高大家对世界饥饿这种状况的意识
the contribution of sth. 对……的贡献

7.the result f the test shows that most of the students have made much ___.
A progress D attempt

make much progress 进步很大
根据前面的, 它说这次测验显示,同学们都进步很大
make an attempt to do sth. 是尝试做某事

8.Many people in Haiti died from the earthquake because they didn’t have—————— to immediate rescue.
A. access B. admission C. approach

还是have access to sth. 可以得到及时的救援
have admission to sth. 得到允许
have approach to do sth. 有做……的方法追问

6. 如果用contribution,提高大家对世界饥馑的贡献,貌似也说得通哪..

7.用attempt,来表示同学们都做了很多努力, 不行么??这个句子不知道怎么分析,

8. 用approach,表示没办法得到及时的救援,,不行么/


6.刚刚打错了,应该是sb. makes a contribution to sth. 某人对……作出了贡献
the contribution of sth. 是某物做出的贡献
这道题 如果是the contribution of world hunger 就变成是 世界饥饿这种状况所做出的贡献,世界饥饿是一件坏事,没有做出贡献,应该是人们对解决世界饥饿所做出的贡献
the contribution of people's action to slove the problem

7.一般 make an attempt to do sth.是表示“尝试”做某事
I will make an attempt to figure out this.
如果要表示努力的,可以是 make an effort to do sth.
而且一般考试数据上面的成绩,最直接的就是看到分数提高了,有进步了,而不是看到他们很努力,最多就猜测they must have worked much harder than before.

8. 因为后面是名词immediate rescue,
have an access to sth. 这里to 后面是名词
而approach是 have the approach to do sth. 后面是do sth......

have the access to sth.这个 蛮常见的~~

第1个回答  2011-12-17
1. 在当今世界找到信息是很容易的。挑战的是你如何辨别你找到的信息是否有用。

2. attitude towards …是固定搭配。
没有 point towards … 的说法。

3. situation 环境 atmosphere大气;气氛;氛围
所以说“报道说在友好的环境中举行会谈”就不如 “报道说在友好的气氛中举行会谈”更有新闻价值。

4.entrance 和way 这两个词都是可数名词,使用时前面要加上不定冠词 a (an),或定冠词或其他的限定词。而 access 是不可数名词。在这里符合语法要求。

5. oberserver 观察者 witnesse 见证者
oberserver of the murder 凶杀案的观察者(恐怕哪个国家的语言里都没有这个词汇)
witnesse of the murder 凶杀案的见证者

6.awareness of world hunger 对世界性饥饿的认知
contribution of world hunger 对世界性饥饿的贡献

7.make progress 取得进步
make attempt 尝试

第2个回答  2011-12-17
4、选access,途径之意,没有have way说法,entrance是实物入口之意,楼梯通道那些
第3个回答  2011-12-17
1. 用ability后面一句就要改成,the ability you need is you can.....;只填ability使得主语和表语间产生矛盾,how can you tell ....or not 不是一种能力;can tell.....or not才是一种能力。

2. attitude 才能搭配 toward; point没有这种用法, point of比较常见

3. 考的是单词的意思

4.D 考的是词组搭配的意思
the access to .../doing ... 有做……的渠道,途径,入口
the entrance to 表示 ……的入口,一般是指实际物体的入口
the way to... 去……的路

5.oberservers 观察者,观察人
witnesses 目击证人,与前面的lawyer相对应

awareness 认知,意识
contribution 贡献
promote the awareness of world hunger 提升了对世界饥饿的认知,所以可以用promoted awareness
相比较而言,contribution的用法,可能要换成what do you think of the event which not only bring contribution to world hunger....

7. 同样是单词意思和句意的理解
如果要表达做出了努力,不能用attemp, 可以用that most of the students have made their effort

8. C
have access to ... 可以得到...的方法
have admission to ... 得到允许
have approach to do ... 有做……的方法
用approach,句式就要变成Many people in Haiti died from the earthquake because they didn’t have approach to be rescued immediately.
第4个回答  2011-12-17
第5个回答  2011-12-20
对于第一题,先说找信息容易,根据题意之后是与第一句形成对比,challenge与easy形成对比,故选它。第二题关键看介词towards,它和attitude搭配,而不与point搭配。第三题atmosphere还有氛围的意思,用于此合适,所以记单词得多记些意思,注意一词多义。第四题have access to是固定搭配,其他没有表达此意的用法。