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《2》《拾穗者》是米勒最巨震撼力的代表作。这幅画中,描绘了在落日的余晖下,空旷的田野里,三位正在弯着腰,低着头,在收割过的麦田里拾遗落的麦穗的劳动壮丽图景, 米勒从平凡劳动者身上发现了闪光点,他的每一幅画都是从法国农民的真实生活中来,从不虚构画面的情景。

《1》1) 通过比较李嵩的“货郎图”和米勒的“拾穗者”从而表现出中西方基层人民的生活状况,进而体现出中西方社会的社会背景。 《货郎图》是我国现存古代绘画中一幅著名的风俗画作品。画面描绘货郎在乡间售货的场景。秋白晴朗,坡草初黄,村外古柳树下老货郎站在货担中央,手摇蛇皮鼓招徕顾客。货担上装着各色农具、日用品、食品、玩具,还有喜鹊、八哥等活物。离货郎担不远,一位母亲被孩子们簇拥着赶来。李嵩的《货郎图》与众不同。一般画家的《货郎图》多反映城镇生活,富贵气息较浓,而李嵩《货郎图》描绘的则是农村生活。作品着重表现了农村中的风土人情,有着十分浓烈的乡土气息。把卷展玩,使人产生丰富的联想……


2" "Gleaners" is Miller's most giant shocking masterpiece. This painting, depicting the sunsets, the open fields, the three are bent over, head down, over the wheat fields at harvest of wheat in the fall of labor Supplements magnificent picture, Miller from ordinary labor who found a bright spot, his every painting is from the French farmers' real life, the scenario never fictitious screen.

"1" 1) by comparing the Li Song's "Shining map" and Miller's "Gleaners," which shows the living conditions of people in Western primary, thus reflecting the social background in Western society. "Shining map" is China's existing ancient custom of painting in a well-known paintings. Shining in the countryside sales picture depicting the scene. White sunny autumn, the beginning of yellow grass slope, outside the ancient village of the old street vendor standing under a willow goods bear central, snake skin hand drum to attract customers. Filled with colored goods bear on tools, daily necessities, food, toys, and magpies, starlings and other living creatures. Far away from the traveling salesman, a mother surrounded by children came. Li Song's "Shining map" different. Most artists of the "Shining map" to reflect more urban life, rich flavor of doctrinal, and Li Song "Shining map" is depicted rural life. Works focus on the performance of rural customs, has a very strong country flavor. The rollout play, gives rise to a wealth of association ... ...


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