

  Even introverts know what loneliness feels like. There is a key difference between being alone and feeling lonely. “Alone” is a state of being by oneself without others around, and can actually be a healthy phenomenon. Everyone needs a little time away from others to plan, consider, and simply to rest. Loneliness is a different matter entirely.
就算是性格内向的人,也知道孤独是什么滋味。“独自一人” 和“感到孤独” 有着根本区别。“独自一人”是指只有自己、身边无人陪伴的状态,实际上也可以是一种健康现象。每个人都需要一点独处的时间,用于计划、思考或纯粹休息。孤独却完全是另外一码事。

While it’s normal to feel lonely or isolated from time to time, too much loneliness can be unhealthy or even dangerous. Numerous studies have linked excessive, ongoing feelings of loneliness and isolation to depression, mental illness, and even physical problems such asinsomnia, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

The good news is, loneliness is a condition that can be fought against and overcome! Here are 9 things to do when you feel lonely that will make you feel healthier, more integrated, and less painfully alone.
第1个回答  2015-04-24
I feel lonely these days.