

Unlike Black and Grizzly bears, which are primarily nocturnal, the Polar Bear may be active at any time of the day or year, searching for prey on long summer days and sometimes on long winter nights. Adaptations to its Arctic habitat include its fur color, which blends with the snowy environment and so provides useful camouflage for capturing prey; its large size, which helps maintain body temperature by reducing surface-heat loss; and its furred feet, which insulate against cold and provide traction on icy surfaces. Because the hairs of its waterproof coat are hollow, they are especially insulating and increase the bear's buoyancy when swimming. An excellent swimmer, it paddles at about 6 1/2 mph (10 km/h) with the front feet only, hindfeet trailing-a trait unique among four-footed land animals-and can remain submerged for about two minutes. While swimming or treading water, it stretches its long neck for a better view, as it does on land. Owing to the scarcity of plants in its icy habitat, the Polar Bear is the most carnivorous North American bear, with canine teeth larger and molariform teeth sharper than those of other bears. An acute sense of smell enables the Polar Bear to locate prey even when it is hidden by snow drifts or ice. It stalks young seals and Walruses, and sometimes adult seals, often by swimming underwater to their ice floes. While hair seals are its staple, it also feeds on fish, birds, bird eggs, small mammals, dead animals (including whales), shellfish, crabs, starfish, and mushrooms, grasses, berries, and algae, when available. The Polar Bear hollows out a winter den in a protected snowbank, where it retires in a lethargic condition. Females den from November to March, during which time they give birth. Males den for much shorter periods, usually from late November to late January, but may be abroad occasionally at any time of the year. Cubs remain with their mother about a year and a half, denning with her the winter after their birth. The l追问




第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-13
The polar bear is an adult polar bear, weighing about 350 to 700 kilograms. the polar bears live in cold and icy places in the polar . they like eating meat and mainly meat of seals. although they live on land, but they usually spend most of the time in the sea so polar bears are good at swimming. in winter their thick hair can keep them warm. and in the cold weather they will dig a hole, and go into it to sleep . 有的首字母没大写,因为切换有点费事。你自己改改吧。本回答被网友采纳