看图写话。根据图示和提示词,写出恰当的句子,每图一句。(每句1.5分,计6分) ...

看图写话。根据图示和提示词,写出恰当的句子,每图一句。(每句1.5分,计6分) 小题1:the best way ,travel there 小题2: look, very 小题3: help,save energy 小题4:cook, while, play

小题1:The best way to travel there is by plane/ airplane /air.
小题2:The girl/ woman /she looks very happy / beautiful.
小题3:Cycling can help us save energy.
小题4:The boy was playing on the computer while his mother was cooking

小题1:根据提示词及图片,故填The best way to travel there is by plane/ airplane /air.
小题2:根据提示词及图片可知,她很漂亮,故填The girl/ woman /she looks very happy / beautiful.
小题3:根据提示词及图片,可知骑自行车可以帮助节约能源,故填Cycling can help us save energy.
小题4:根据提示词及图片可知男孩玩电脑时妈妈在做饭,故填The boy was playing on the computer while his mother was cooking