


1、love 爱, 爱情

例句:They fell in love with each other.他们彼此相爱了。

2、lovesickness 相思

例句:No herb will cure lovesickness. 相思病无药医。

3、romantic 浪漫

例句:They danced a romantic bolero together. 他们一起跳了一支浪漫的波莱罗舞。

4、infatuation 迷恋

例句:be infatuated with a woman.迷恋一个女人。

5、darling 达令

例句:Oh darling, I love you. 啊,宝贝儿,我爱你。

6、marriage 结婚

例句:Marriage might not suit you.婚姻也许并不适合你。

8、proposal 求婚

例句:After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage.




1、first love初恋

2、unrequited [one-sided] love单相思

3、mother's love母爱

4、be crossed in love 失恋

5、calf [puppy] love 童年时的恋爱

6、cupboard love 有所贪图的爱; 因企图得到某物所表示的亲热

7、fall in love (with) 对...产生爱情

8、fall out of love (with) 爱情中断

9、for love or money 无论出什么代价; 无论如何(常用于否定句)

10、give [send] one's love to sb. 向某人致敬[问候]

11、light o' [of] love 放荡的女人,水性杨花的女子 妓女

12、One love drives out another. [谚]新的爱情来,旧的爱情去。

13、love all [体]双方打成零比零

14、love at first sight 一见钟情

15、Love is blind. [谚]爱情是盲目的; 情人眼里出西施。

16、Love me,love my dog. [谚]爱屋及乌; 打狗要看主人面。


第1个回答  推荐于2019-09-02





appetite, fancy, favor, like, liking, partiality, preference, relish,craving, crush, desire,

infatuation, longing, lust, yearning,ardor, eagerness, enthusiasm, fervor, zeal,appreciation,

adulation, deification, idolatry, idolization, worshipallegiance, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity,

loyalty, steadfastness

参考资料  韦氏词典 love

第2个回答  推荐于2017-05-01
love 爱, 爱情
lovesick 相思
lovestruck 痴情
crush 迷恋
infatuation 迷恋
fallen head over heels 堕入爱河
snuggle 依偎
cupid 丘比特
heartthrob 万人迷
enrapture 迷上
mistress 情妇
sweetheart 情人
darling 达令
honey 亲爱的,甜甜
marriage 结婚
proposal 求婚
engagement 订婚
wedding 婚礼
第3个回答  2012-01-19
Miss love understanding together with careA harmonious union lasting a hundred years love each other dearly and with undivided attention walk a heaven-made match enduring as the universe abiding exchange solemn vows and pledges Baisuizhihao said of a couple and the ideal setting for a couple in love each other have mutual affinity between Lianzhigongzhong happy couple show special preference to no regrets and I get along swimmingly with each other whispers of love romantic themes and true to the core be deeply attached to each other to pull together in times of troubleHolds hand of the child, and I get old. Zhisimita forever enduring as the universeQinsezhihao two lovers sing in chorus with exchange solemn vows and pledges have mutual affinityLianzhigongzhong happy couple get along swimmingly with each other love each other dearlyThe ideal setting for a couple in love in a harmonious union lasting a hundred years old, said of a coupleA wife lifts the tray to a level with her eyebrows to show great respect for her husband. To be always courteous to each other like "guests"Holds hand of the child, and the old.
第4个回答  2021-03-30
