

transpositional consideration 




    换位思考 perspective taking 、Empathy、transposition thinking 、Replace thinking

    学会换位思考 Learn empathy、Learn to replace thinking 、put ourselves institute

    换位思考相互理解 Mutual understanding and empathy  、Empathy understanding、Reflections for mutual understanding

    经常换位思考 Auto Maintenance

    广告换位思考 advertising transpositional thinking

    在工作中能换位思考 Replace thinking at work、Empathy at work can

    文化间的换位思考 intercultural empathy

    护患交流中的换位思考 Journal of Community Medicine



    Just the opposite. They would give up anything for their children. 

    我们所有人都非常愤怒,很多人都说以后绝不染指华尔街以及购买任何股票或公司债券。 想想你的愤怒和厌恶,再换位思考一下海外投资者。

    All of us are mad as hell, and many of us are saying it will be a cold day in hell before we trust Wall Street or buy stocks or corporate bonds again. 


    And, at the same time, do you offer others the same freedom to say no to you without sending them on a guilt trip? 


    For example, I was recently asked in an interview about creative use of personas. 


    Empathy not only clues you in to what your subject wants to hear, it will help you avoid stepping onto trip wires that will trigger their suspicions.

第1个回答  2019-12-21
学会换位思考Putting yourselves into other people's shoes
换位思考的颂歌ode to the perspective
换位思考能力perspective-taking ability,a perspective taking ability
第2个回答  推荐于2017-12-16
put oneself in one‘s shoes 是比较正式的 其他还有think the way of other, thinking something in other state/think in others' shoes, think in others' angle, think what the consumers think等。本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-03-07
think what the consumers think 换位思考
Just think of yourself, if you were in her shoes(换位思考)
Think from another way 换位思考
Think on the position of somebody 换位思考
第4个回答  2012-10-15
换位思考,在心理学上叫做 “观点采择”Perspective Taking