
It's every corporation's nightmare: a throng of rowdy activists gathers outside company buildings to demonstrate against alleged environmental and human-rights abuses. That was the scene in New York City and Chicago last month as dozens of people in white haz-mat suits converged on the offices of JPMorgan Chase to protest what they claimed was the bank's underwriting of illegal logging in Indonesia and human-rights abuses tied to a Chase-funded mining operation in Peru. Oil companies and industrial giants may be accustomed to such treatment, but not JPMorgan Chase, the second largest bank in the U.S. Two weeks later, the company announced that it would introduce policies to promote sustainable forestry and indigenous people's rights and would block funding that could be used for illegal logging. It also promised to reduce its carbon emissions and those of its clients. Chalk up another victory for environmentally and socially responsible finance.

Ten years ago, big private banks were not featured on environmentalists' hit lists. Activists focused on large corporate polluters in the oil and timber industries. Over time, though, green groups have realized that one effective way to halt destructive practices is to take on the institutions that bankroll them. "The private financial sector more than any other has the ability to begin the ecological U-turn modern society so desperately needs," says Ilyse Hogue, director of the global-finance campaign at Rainforest Action Network (RAN), which led the fight against JPMorgan Chase. Yet even as they have publicly confronted big financial institutions, green groups--many of which belong to a loose collection of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) known as BankTrack--have privately collaborated with banks to jointly tackle environmental and social concerns.

The direct action and dialogue are paying off as banks begin to set green goals. HSBC has promised to cut carbon emissions, while Bank of America has pledged to shun investments in logging operations in the world's most sensitive forests. Even more important is the introduction of new industry standards, such as the Equator Principles, which "promote responsible environmental stewardship and socially responsible development" by evaluating the threats that projects pose to forests, natural habitats and indigenous populations.

Thirty major private banks, including U.S. giants Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, and European powerhouses ABN Amro, Barclays, HSBC and ING, have so far signed on to the principles. The guidelines cover some 80% of the global-project-financing market, according to Jon Williams, head of sustainability risk management at HSBC. "Everyone is interested in the balance between sustainability and economic development," says Williams. "We believe you can do well and do good."

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1064474,00.html#ixzz1FaAt20ls


十年前,大的私有银行没有将环保列入特色名单中。活动家关注大公司在石油和木材工业上的污染。随着时间的推移,环保组织已经意识到,一个有效的制止破坏性做法的方法,是对这些机构采取的资金提供。 “私人金融部门比其他任何组织都有能力在现代社会的迫切需要中让生态转变,”在雨林行动网络(RAN)的全球金融的运动总监Ilyse霍格说,这导致打击摩根大通。然而,即使他们已公开面临大型的金融机构,环保组织 - 其中许多属于松散的为非政府组织(NGO)银行监察组织称集合 - 私下与银行合作,共同解决环境和社会问题。


第三大私营银行,包括美国巨头花旗集团,摩根大通和美国银行,欧洲强国的荷兰银行,巴克莱银行,汇丰银行和荷兰国际集团,迄今为止,政府签署了原则。本准则涉及的一些全球项目融资市场的80%,根据可持续性汇丰银行风险管理负责人乔恩威廉姆斯说, “每个人都可以在可持续性和经济发展之间的平衡中获利,”威廉姆斯说。 “我们相信你可以做得很好,更好。”
第1个回答  2011-03-04
这是每个企业的恶梦:聚集了一大群吵闹的激进分子在公司建筑证明反对所谓的环境和践踏人权。那是现场在纽约和芝加哥上个月在白色的,因为很多人聚集在适合haz-mat jp摩根大通的办公室,抗议他们称是银行包销印尼非法砍伐和践踏人权拴在Chase-funded的采矿的侦讯。石油公司和产业巨人了