

学生着装得体Students dress appropriately
坐正立直Sitting stand upright
行走稳健Walk steady
谈吐文明Talk civilization
穿校服,To wear uniforms.
不穿奇装异服Don't wear clothe
男生不留长发Boys leave no long hair
女生不烫发不化妆不佩戴首饰Girls don't give or have a permanent wave
不穿高跟鞋Don't wear high heels
不大声喧哗Not talking loudly
第1个回答  2012-05-31
学生着装得体Students dress appropriately
坐正立直Sitting stand upright
行走稳健Walk steady
谈吐文明Talk civilization
穿校服,To wear uniforms.
不穿奇装异服Don't wear clothe
男生不留长发Boys leave no long hair
女生不烫发不化妆不佩戴首饰Girls don't give or have a permanent wave doesn't make up not wear jewelry.
不穿高跟鞋Don't wear high .
不大声喧哗Don't talking loudly.
第2个回答  2014-02-22
学生着装得体Students dress appropriately
坐正立直Sitting stand upright
谈吐文明Talk civilization
不穿奇装异服Don't wear clothe
男生不留长发Boys leave no long hai
男女生不烫发不化妆不佩戴首饰Girls don't give or have a permanent wave
第3个回答  2013-03-13

          Don't smoke,  不抽烟,

           don't noisy ,不喧哗, 

           don't be late,不迟到, 

           don't leave early, 不早退,

           not absent from class.不缺课。

第4个回答  2013-01-20
In the school, we have to do:
1.Don't(or We mustn't) chase each other.
2.We must to wear uniforms.
3.In the classroom and library, we mustn't talk loudly.
4. …