答得好加分啊!! 关于屈原的小故事,要英语!!不要太难,六年级!!在线等啊!! 答得好加分啊!!


One day, the small qu yuan by the crook wash finished, thought suddenly: if can have a water-hole, like sister remarked, can according to the face of dirt, and can according to the heart of dust, the better! Thought of here, he went home, and carried it to a small hoes, climbed onto samsung rocks dug up Wells to edge. Qu yuan's young and pneumatic also small, digging digging, huffing to pant, digging digging, scratching noises shua to sweat. For two days, and is only dug dug causeway big piece of ground, deep less than a foot. His actions were samsung yanshang the hills grandpa saw, hills, grandpa will be turned into a BaiMei BaiXu old woodcutter, carrying wood walk down the rock side, ask a way:
"Small qu yuan, dig Wells?"

"Yes, sir, I want to dig a and can quench my thirst, and poured field, and make the heart, and can according to confront the Wells of water."

"There is ambition ah, child! Can dig it, didn't you choose the right position ah, you listen to:

Samsung rock, samsung, rocks, alignment samsung lead springs.

Broken open, according to confront the keel spring heart polyester dust. "

Then, a wink, smooth your beard, carrying wood burden away.
Small qu yuan's mind sharp, once understand grandpa meaning. Night, he stood censer ping, alignment samsung, chosen the well, the next morning, just choose good position to dig up. Digging dig, hand DaPao; Digging digging, arm shock sour. For two days, just dug dug causeway big piece of ground, deep less than a foot.

Sister thought brother every climb samsung rocks are to gather doorcase decoration play. This day she crept back, with in qu yuan climbed samsung rock a look, brother is dig Wells. He hurriedly come forward to help. Chens pair again dug two days, and the well side still but dustpan big, less than two feet deep.
This situation, again be samsung yanshang the hills grandfather saw, he again become old woodcutter down the mountain.

"Small qu yuan, hoe grinding blunt? I lent you a small picks!"

Took a look small qu yuan, hey! JinShanShan, originally from, is a JinGao.
Qu yuan chens both cheerfully dry up, small qu yuan in Wells digging, sister in the edge of the well carry soil, Sister in underground gen stone, small qu yuan at the rig leash. The JinGao strange, lifted up, 4 liang light, Fall, the fateful heavy. They dig ah dig ah, only seven days, then dug Wells have nine feet 9 inches deep, around three zhangs three feet. And behold at this moment, qu yuan against the dig down a picks, listen jingle a sound, Mars straight risk; Another knock, stone saetsaet ring, refused to budge. Small qu yuan was urgent, sister also nasty.
At this moment, a song of folk songs from samsung rock suddenly clouds float down, the sister both looked down the voice, the TongYanHeFa old woodcutter and down the hill.

"Ha ha, meets the keel stone? Small qu yuan! This mountain volts with a thousand years old LongHuaCheng the bluestone, pinned the DeMai, the spring blocked off, let grandpa give you smashed open!"

Speak, gently took picks, "bomb - every", first picks bottom go to, old keel crisp muscle flax, and "one-stop" service keel stone are flew out the wellhead. Hills call again small qu yuan with his hoe gently point, spring opened, Mimi Mimi straight upwards over spring flower, the water is cool and clear, sweet and fragrant, just like ambrosia generally.
Small qu yuan and sister was thanks to grandpa? But the hills grandpa Hu sound, then driving to the best of luck, qingyun samsung air fly away.

The villagers rushed to come, in succession to qu yuan chens both congratulations. ShiZao into half the keel masons, set as well. Sectoral Children from village to king mountain wanderer garden, boys from the north wind stelae (dialect, between two mountains and narrow place) moving to evergreen ZhaShu planted in the edge of the well and this eye to confront Wells, so embedded in flexor township, according to the days, according to the censer ping censer ping mountain.
rom the next day the little qu yuan, early each morning came to the edge of the well and with clear spring water flushing disperses hair, bright red hat with zhuo wash. Long hair, caps with immersion in water, spring is dozen vortex, jumped up to his face. Every time he finished, wash of bright look oneself heart Wells, there is selfcentered watched what behavior to examine himself, not behave ChuGuoZhong disloyalty, to the people love, since then, this confront Wells is like a mirror, exist as he that young heart, the heart is as bright red, with pearl crystal general.
This well water also strange, good drink it, relaxed cyanazine sweet, don't living help rid boils, Bad to drink it, WuNa rig fen, abdominal like a knife twisted. According to the good, the bad more beauty more more ugly, finally appear as ugly prototype. Have once, from all (at that time of the state of chu china.standing city, hubei province in this area.) jiangling Once, a help corrupt official, swim mountain shopping scene, until after censer ping, heard that samsung rocks have one eye treasure well, a running DaoBao. They dropped to the edge of the well water looked toward the bottom shows a group of immediately, NiuTouMaMian, with skeletons, one frighten mouth frothy eye straight up, the wheelchair, falling ill hair, took the peeling.
For thousands of years, people's township of the slope flexor universally its cultivator work, pass by, all go around the edge of the well according to shine on, wash eyes of dust, cleanse face smudges. In with the night, girls often meet, came to the well and to month embroidery. Sometimes misses, HuaZhen landed, need not trying, through faith in the moonlight, you'll soon pick up again embroidery. Said here embroider flower, especially fresh out of beauty, butterfly, particularly fly also not the wish to leave. Old people said, When samsung best of luck, you fell on JingTai edge to wait qiao, probably still can from bottom to see the appearance of the YouGuoYouMin flexor doctor!
























第1个回答  2011-03-04
Qu yuan's manner was very kind, the neighborhood around the villagers all like him very much, praise him. As the war repeatedly, chu fractious, all the disruptions in the states. Since he was young and promising country ambition, his're well-read, learn in books treats people need good and so on many of the truth. He said that as long as treat every citizen can xingguo also.One summer afternoon, qu yuan's just finished reading the book out the street, he run jump, every one's face with a happy smile. While he is playing with the small stones, while enjoying the feet down those his mother just give him do new shoes: new cloth, bright-coloured color, and the root of snow-white shoelaces, which was so beautiful.
concealed in the rice traces. He looked down and saw a grain forward to see an old woman carrying a bag of rice hard just walking along, there is a small hole on rice bags, along the small hole is rice LouZhao outward. He hurried and shouted: "old woman, please wait, your rice bags leak!" The old woman hurriedly stopped, has turned head. The old woman saw rice continuously go toward outside leakage, anxiously say: "bad! This?" He run to come over and see her mother-in-law anxiously appearance, forehead corrugated a wrinkly.Suddenly he bowed his head and saw the root white tie my shoelace, get a brainwave toward her mother-in-law excitedly say: "mother-in-law, you don't worry about it, I got it!" The words sound just fell, and he don't hestitate ground to the shoelaces unloaded the down, then mother-in-law understand, she said: "what a beautiful shoelaces, what a pity!" Small qu yuan don't say anything more such mother-in-law, he put rice bags of small hole by hand hold a, then use shoelaces bind no longer tied to the outside leakage, meters.He looked at her mother-in-law that was years had to wash face, her mother-in-law, said: "you are tired, I help you carry meters away home, you to lead the way, good?" Said and then from the ground to carry on the back rice bags on went. Walking home came to her mother-in-law, original mother-in-law is a holding a frontier soldiers mother-in-law mother to thank him, bother. Small qu yuan said: "your son to play for your country and I help you is should. You just when I was godson!"
Small qu yuan has put out - to play, to toss away. He bowed to see her missing a root of lace new shoes, feel very satisfied.追问



屈原自小就有一颗善良的心,而且非常乐于助人。 小屈原的为人非常善良,周围的邻居村民都非常喜欢他、赞誉他。话说楚国年代战事连连,硝烟弥漫,个个诸侯国的纷争不断。他自小就有为国效力雄心壮志,他饱读诗书,学到书本上待人需善等等很多的道理。他说只要善待每一个国民,就能兴国也。一个夏天下午,屈原刚刚读完书出去街上玩,他跑跑跳跳着,满脸都带着开心的笑容。他一边踢着路边的小石头,一边低头欣赏着脚上那双他妈妈刚给他做好的新鞋子:崭新的布料,鲜艳的颜色,还有那根雪白的系鞋带,漂亮极了。


