探讨hit in/on the face?

He trod on the head of the broom and the handles flew up and hit him in the face.他一脚踩着扫帚头,扫帚柄飞快地翘了起来,打在他的脸上
Mary hit him on the face and swept out of the room.玛丽打了他一耳光,然后傲然走出了房间。

hit in the face 是打中脸部范围内,通常指击中的范围比较小
hit on the face 打中的范围比较大
第1个回答  2011-03-08
vt.+sb. in/on/by +the +身体部位

take/pull/grasp/seize/catch/hold/lead sb. by the ear/nose/ hand/arm/sleeve

hit/strike/touch/pat sb. in the face/eye/ stomach/ side/chest/

hit/strike/touch/pat sb. on the head/ shoulder/ nose/ neck/ back
第2个回答  2011-03-08
in the face = in the direction of the face 朝着脸的方向飞过来 这个是特殊情况下才这么用(句中有指示是飞过来)

on the face 就是在脸上 一般都是这么用,