汉译英 急用 拜托~ 水影画是使用水和油脂类颜料运用油水分离的原理进行高技巧作画的表演艺术形式。用底部


Water is the shadow of the water and oil paints use of the principle of separate record for high technique of painting art form. use the bottom of the projected white light transparent with water, and in the water drops Youji of ink pigment or use a pen and guidance to form a continuous injection shape. change beauty of images or a nice pattern, a strong visual experience and insights philosophy. after the performances by the pads of xuan paper light can be spread on the surface of the picture to keep rubbing.

第1个回答  2011-03-15
ShuiYing painting is the use of water and oil kind pigments using the principle of water-oil separation techniques for high performance painting art forms.

In the bottom of a white light projection of containers filled with water, transparent and on the surface of the water CaiMo or paint the oil-base @in, use a needle guided styling pen.

Forming a constantly changing beautiful ornate image or beautiful decorative pattern, give a person with profound visual experience and philosophy to comprehend.

After the end of each performance with paper can be spread the water, light on the surface were saved. Kids draw本回答被网友采纳