
17. I have no objection _____ the evening with them.
A. to spend
B. to spending
C. of spending
D. spending

18. The coming of the railways in the 1830s ______ our society and economic life.
A. transformed
B. transported
C. transferred
D. translated

19. He thought that _______.
A. the effort doing the job was not worth
B. the effort was not worth in doing the job
C. it was not worth the effort doing the job
D. it was not worth the effort by doing the job

20. If you want to know the train timetable, please ______ at the booking office.
A. acquire
B. inquire
C. request
D. require

21. If you think that the illness might be serious you should not ______ going to the doctor.
A. put off
B. hold back
C. put away
D. hold up

22. To be frank, I'd rather you ________ in the case.
A. will not be involved
B. not involved
C. not to be involved
D. were not involved

23. To cheat or not to cheat, this is a(n) ________ of honesty.
A. question
B. problem
C. request
D. issue

24. Though ________ possible punishment, some students are still inclined to cheat on tests.
A. aware of
B. knowing
C. recognizing
D. being aware

25. The ________ she is in is whether to get married and live her own life or to stay at home supporting the family.
A. trouble
B. problem
C. choice
D. dilemma

26. The strike was not a success because of the workers' leader who ________ the managers.
A. sold out to
B. sold out
C. sold off
D. sold up

27. In our discussion today, I'd like first to ________ the influences that the Internet will exercise on modern life.
A. account to
B. account for
C. talk
D. say

28. I work in the English department that _______ three teaching sections.
A. makes of
B. constitutes
C. consists of
D. forms

29. Being ________ who you really are is the first step to integrity.
A. open to
B. open for
C. open with
D. open about

30. You asked me if you should move your parents in. Well, I can't advise you on such a question; it's a matter of ________.
A. consciousness
B. conscience
C. kindness
D. sympathy

D(object doing sth.);A改变;C;B咨询;A推迟;D虚拟;A(可表示一件与什么有关的问题,在表需讨论或解决的问题时可与problem互换,后者又常用于学科性的习题等,issue多指某种议题或报章话题);B(或being aware of / realising);D(语法上A也符合,句意上D更佳,进退两难);A(出卖后投靠对方,sell out则为出卖某人);D(加内容,account to对什么作解释 for对什么负责,证明或talk about);C(由什么组成,be made of+材料,B/D应为部分到整体,句序倒转了);D(be open(with sb.)about sth.);B(良心,品德)
第1个回答  2011-03-16