

现实型(Realistic) 又译技能型。具有这类倾向的个体,属于技术与运动取向。往往身体技能及机械协调能力较强,对机械与物体的关心比较强烈。稳健、务实,喜欢从事规则明确的活动及技术性工作,甚至热衷于亲自动手创造新事物。不善言谈,对于人际交往及人员管理、监督等活动不太感兴趣。这一领域的职业有:需熟练技能方面的职业、动植物管理方面的职业、机械管理方面的职业、生产技术方面的职业、手工艺技能方面的职业、机械装置与运转方面的职业等。
研究型(Investigative) 又译调查型。具有这类倾向的个体,喜欢理论思维或偏爱数理统计工作,对于解决抽象性问题具有极大的热情。他们通常倾向于通过思考、分析解决难题,而不一定落实到具体操作。喜欢具有创造性、挑战性的工作,不太喜欢固定程式的任务。对于人员的领导及人际交往也非情所愿,独立倾向明显。适合的职业有:分析员、设计师、生物学家等。
第1个回答  2015-06-06
To make an advisable choice, a graduate should take into account at least two aspects, namely, individual’ interest and the demand of the society. Only when the two aspects are connected, can a man show his ability and talent to the best advantage. If the two factors conflict, the former, in most cases, should give way to the latter, for it is interests that stimulate one’s vigor and potentials。
In regard to my choice in the future, I want to work as an interpreter. I am keen on learning foreign languages, English in particular. Moreover, in the contemporary society, international exchange in economy and culture has been growing significantly. However, competent interpreters are far from enough. So I am determined to be a qualified interpreter.