

第九题 书中原句为:Shivering in their wet clothes, the teenagers looked on while three men dived repeatedly into the water to locate the dish.
这里要选一个短语替代repeatedly (反复地,重复地; 再三地; 屡次地)。选项A,now and again 意思是 时而, 偶尔, 有时; 选项B,one after another 意思是 接二连三; 先后; 相继地 ;选项C,time and again 意思是 无数次,屡次,一再;选项D many a time 意思是 多次,常常 。显然选项C意思最为接近。
第十题 书中原句为 Eventually chains were fixed to one end of the dish and a powerful winch was put into operation. 这里要选择短语替代 put into operation(投入运行,使生效,使开动)。选项A,get sth going 意思是 使某事进入运行的状态; 选项B,make sth work 意思是 使某事起作用 ;选项C,take sb to task 意思是 批评某人,没有take sth to task这一用法;选项D give sth a function 没有此用法 。显然选项A意思最为接近。