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The Beatles 无疑是上世纪最有影响的乐队。The Beatles is undoubtedly The most influential band last century.在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐 ,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。In 8 years of time, they not only change the rock and pop, moreover, forever changed all music appearance. 1956年,罗In 1956, ronaldo

尼·多内甘(Lonnie Donegan)和克理斯·巴博爵士乐队(the Chris Barber Jazz Band)以一首胡迪·莱德巴特的《Rock Island Line》打入了排Nehemiah · more Donegan Lonnie gedaliah (within) and Chris idzikowski Lawrence his interests Jazz Band (Chris Jazz Band) the Barber, with a woody the whitbread bart Island Line "crazy scored row

行榜的前十名。Line of the top 10 list.(克理斯·巴博乐队1967年录制了一首名为《Catc--all》的歌,这是保罗·麦卡特尼在1957-1960年间写的) 罗尼·多内甘随后的(Chris idzikowski Lawrence his interests in 1967 recording a band called "Catc - all" song, this is Paul McCartney in 1957-1960 write) Ronnie more later. Gump within

一系列成功的歌曲(如《CumberlandGap》、《Gambling Man》)开始了席卷英伦三岛的“Skiffle”音乐狂潮。A series of successful song (such as "CumberlandGap", "for Man") began sweeping the British Isles "Skiffle" music frenzy.

成员介绍Members introduced
约翰·列侬John lennon
约翰·温斯顿·列侬(John Winston Lennon),英国著名摇滚乐队“披头士”(The Beatles,也译做“甲壳虫”)成员,摇滚史上最伟大的音乐John Winston Lennon (John Lennon), The famous British rock band "The Beatles" (The Beatles, also translated do "beetle") member, rock of The all-time greats of music

家之一 ,披头士乐队的灵魂人物,诗人,社会活动家,反战者。Home, one of the beatles' soul, poet, social activist, anti-war person.

保罗·麦卡特尼Paul McCartney
保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)被认为是二十世纪顶级的音乐标志,他被吉尼斯世界纪录列为史上最成功的作曲人。Paul McCartney (for McCartney) is considered to be the top of the 20th century music mark, he by guinness world records as the history of the most successful composer.不论是不是身为披头士Whether it is not as the beatles

期间,保罗·麦卡特尼总共写了、或是协助写了超过 50 首十大热门歌曲。During, Paul McCartney wrote a total of, or assist wrote more than 50 first 10 big popular songs.他拥有60张金唱片和1亿张的单曲销量。He owns 60 run-away best-seller and 1 million of single sales.他的歌曲“Yesterday”是史上被His song "Yesterday" is history

灌录次数最多的歌曲,并在美国的广播电视中播放了超过700万次。Record the greatest number of songs, and in the American television aired more than 700 million times.他为Wings乐队所作的1977年的单曲“Mull of Kintyre”成为了第一张在英国销量He put the band for of 1977 single "Mull of Kintyre" became the first one in the UK sales

超过200万的单曲唱片,并保持着英国“非慈善单曲”的销售纪录。More than 200 million hits album, and holds the British "not charity single" sales record.Paul McCartney是个在歌唱、吉他、低音吉他、钢琴以及打鼓都很有成就、才能的For in singing, McCartney is a guitar and bass guitar, piano and play the drums are achievement, talent


詹姆斯·保罗·麦卡特尼爵士(Sir James Paul McCartney)大英帝国最高骑士勋章的拥有者(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,简James Paul McCartney (Sir James McCartney) for the British Empire highest knighthood owners (will made of the British're foundation trilogy ", Jane

称 MBE),Paul McCartney于1942年 6月18日在利物浦出生,是一位英国歌手,音乐人,音乐创作家,多种乐器演奏家,诗人,企业家,画家,唱片Says the MBE), McCartney in 1942 for June 18, born in Liverpool, a British singer, musicians, music creators, a variety of musical performers, poet, entrepreneurs, painter, record

制作人,电影制作人,动物保护者。Producer, filmmakers, animal protectors.他的事业在于他成为披头士乐队成员时攀上了颠峰。His career is that he become beatles climbed breakthrought when. 他作为The Beatles的成员创建者之一入选了摇滚名人堂。As one of The founders of The Beatles members elected to The rock and roll hall of fame.

Paul McCartney与John Lennon的组合是史上最成功最有影响力的歌曲创作组合,他们写下了许多摇滚史上最流行的歌曲。For John Lennon McCartney and the combination of history's most successful most influential songwriting combination, they wrote many rock history's most popular songs.离开Beatles之后,PaulLeave after Beatles for

McCartney成为了一名成功的独唱者并和他的第一任妻子Linda Eastman McCartney,歌手、作曲家Denny Laine组成了Wings乐队。McCartney has become a successful solo with and his first wife Linda McCartney Eastman, singer, composer Denny Laine formed put band.近年来,他长期活In recent years, his long life

跃于电影配乐,古典音乐和电子音乐,并作为独唱艺术家,发行了众多的歌曲Jump in film, music and classical music, and electronic as a solo artist, release the numerous songs

乔治·哈里森(George Harrison),英国音乐家、吉他演奏家、歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、电影制作人、披头士乐队主音吉他手、主唱之一,以George Harrison (George Harrison), British musician, a guitar player, singer and songwriter, music producer, filmmakers, the beatles tonic guitarist, singer, with one

身为披头士乐队成员之一最广为人知。As one of the most well known beatles.

乔治哈里森作为披头士主音吉他手,哈里森被称为沉默的披头。George harrison as the beatles tonic guitarist, harrison called silence of the beatles head.由于信仰印度神学,哈里森开阔了乐队成员的视野,使披头士音乐多元化。Because faith India theology, harrison widened the band members's field of vision and the beatles music diversity.披头士解The beatles solution

散后,哈里森的独奏生涯很成功。After the scattered, harrison solo career is very successful.1970年发行的《一切都会过去》专辑在英国、美国、挪威等地取得销量第一名。1970 issues "things" album in Britain, America, Norway achieved sales of the first.1971年由于拉维·香卡的倾诉痛苦1971 because ravi shankar sweet card pleading pain

,哈里森主办了为孟加拉慈善演出,开创了摇滚 乐慈善事业的先河。Harrison hosted for Bangladesh concert, creating a rock music charity precedent.1973年《活在物质世界里》专辑销量仍然高居榜首。In 1973, "living in a material world" album sales still chart-topping.此后,哈里森的音乐商业上Since then, the music business harrison

并不很成功,但却在高水平的艺术上倍受肯定。Not very successful, but in a high level of art critically-acclaimed affirmation.1987年与Jeff Lynne合作,翻唱James Ray 60年代的《Got My Mind Set on You》,在商业上再次取In 1987 and Jeff Lynne cooperation, covers the James Ray 1960s Got My Mind Set on You, "take again in business

得辉煌的成功。Too brilliant success.此后乔治凭着其人格魅力组建了阵容强大的乐队The Traveling Wilburys,取得了非凡的成就。Since George with its charm of personality established a strong lineup band, and achieved The Wilburys'll remarkable achievement.作为电影制作人,哈里森的手工电影As a movie producer, harrison manual movies

公司出品了麦当娜电影《上海惊奇》等优秀作品。The company produced Madonna movie Shanghai surprise "outstanding works.1997年哈里森被查出患有喉癌,2001年逝世。1997 harrison diagnosed with larynx, 2001, died.逝世后哈里森生前的朋友们举办了乔治·哈里森纪念After the demise of harrison before friends held George harrison memorial

演唱会。Concert.2004年作为独奏艺人被选入摇滚名人堂。2004 as a solo artist was elected to the rock and roll hall of fame.2009年入选好莱坞星光大道,并建立乔治·哈里森人道主义奖。2009 in Hollywood walk, and establish the George harrison humanitarian award.

尽管在整个70年代,关于The Beatles (披头士乐队)要重新复合的传闻连绵不断,但是在1980年,随着列侬在纽约街头被刺身亡,披头士彻底Although throughout The 1970s, about The Beatles (Beatles) back to The composite of continuous speculation, but in 1980, with lennon in The streets of New York being stabbed, The Beatles thoroughly

的进入了博物馆。Into the museum.

Rock & Roll(摇滚) British Invasion(英国入侵) British Psychedelia(英国迷幻) Folk-Rock(民谣摇滚) Merseybeat(默西之声Crazy & your (Rock) British Invasion (British Invasion) British Psychedelia (UK) psychedelic Folk - crazy (Folk Rock) Merseybeat 300kph west voice

) Pop(流行) Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚) Psychedelic(迷幻音乐)British Traditional/guitar Rock(英国传统/吉他摇滚) The Beatles风格) Pop (Pop) Pop/crazy (Pop/Rock music) Psychedelic (Psychedelic) is benefit/guitar crazy (British tradition/guitar Rock) The Beatles style

很多元,与乐队敢于尝试创新的特点有关,可以说是相当多风格的鼻祖。Many yuan, with the band dares to attempt the characteristics of innovation, can saying is quite a lot about the earliest style. 1966年以前,摇滚乐被认为是一种简单的、喧闹的音乐,具有较快的、1966 before, rock was considered a simple, noisy music, and has quicker,

强烈地4/4拍子,一般化的旋律、缺乏新意的歌词、三个和弦的和声;Strongly 4/4 rackets, generalization melodies, fell short of lyrics, three chords of harmony,一首曲子的长度约2分半钟左右;The length of a tune about 2 1/2 minutes or so,结构简单,包含了很多重复。Simple structure, including a lot of repetition.但是,到了1967But at 1967

年下半年时,这种老的模式被打破了。When the second half of the year, this old model was broken.到60年代末,任何摇滚乐队,只要它有足够的创造性,可以奏出任何声音,基本上没有限制。To 1960's, any rock band, as long as it has plenty of creative, can achieve goes out any sound, there is basically no restrictions.虽然,其他摇滚Although, other rock

乐手也对此做出了贡献,但是,主要的贡献却来自披头士。Musicians also gives a contribution, but the major contribution comes from the beatles.

销量.荣誉Honor sales.
这支诞生于英国利物浦的传奇乐队,其唱片销量在世界拥有压倒性的数字,拥有着世界上各种唱片销量统计的最高纪录,全球拥有数以亿计的唱片This one is born in Britain Liverpool legend band, its albums in the world has had an overwhelming Numbers, with various world albums statistics the highest record, global have hundreds of millions of records

销量,并且至今每年仍有数百万张的增幅,大大领先于“猫王”埃尔维斯·普雷斯利。Sales, and currently every year there are still millions of zhang's growth, greatly ahead of elvis Presley elvis Presley.

他们继承了摇滚乐头十年的成果,以自己的创造和革新,丰富和发展了摇滚乐,把摇滚乐带到了一个新的历史阶段。They inherited rock the first decade of the result, with their own creation and innovation, enriches and develops the rock, rock to bring a new historical stage.从此,摇滚乐不再只是一种单From then on, the rock is no longer just a single

纯的娱乐音乐,它有了更多的让人思考的东西,更多的隐藏在音乐背后的东西。Pure entertainment music, it has more let a person think of things, more hidden in music behind things.60年代成长起来的英美两国的年轻人,很少不与他们的歌声发生联系In the 1960s grow up two countries of Anglo-American of young people, seldom comes in contact with their song

。.可以说他们的歌声影响了一代人的艺术趣味、服装发式、生活方式和人生态度。Can say their song affect a generation's artistic taste, clothing hairdo, lifestyle and attitude towards life."披头士"的出现使更多的学者开始研究摇滚乐现象,以及摇滚乐的"The beatles" appearance of more scholars began to study rock phenomenon and rock music

音乐和歌词,以致后来大学里也开设了摇滚乐课程(这在60年代初还是不可想象的)。Music and lyrics that later college offers rock music courses (in early 1960s or unimaginable).
第1个回答  2011-02-19
The Beatles 无疑是上世纪最有影响的乐队。在8年的时间中,他们不但改变了摇滚乐和流行乐 ,而且,永远的改变了所有音乐的面貌。 1956年,罗

尼·多内甘(Lonnie Donegan)和克理斯·巴博爵士乐队(the Chris Barber Jazz Band)以一首胡迪·莱德巴特的《Rock Island Line》打入了排

行榜的前十名。(克理斯·巴博乐队1967年录制了一首名为《Catc--all》的歌,这是保罗·麦卡特尼在1957-1960年间写的) 罗尼·多内甘随后的

一系列成功的歌曲(如《CumberlandGap》、《Gambling Man》)开始了席卷英伦三岛的“Skiffle”音乐狂潮。

约翰·温斯顿·列侬(John Winston Lennon),英国著名摇滚乐队“披头士”(The Beatles,也译做“甲壳虫”)成员,摇滚史上最伟大的音乐

家之一 ,披头士乐队的灵魂人物,诗人,社会活动家,反战者。

保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)被认为是二十世纪顶级的音乐标志,他被吉尼斯世界纪录列为史上最成功的作曲人。不论是不是身为披头士

期间,保罗·麦卡特尼总共写了、或是协助写了超过 50 首十大热门歌曲。他拥有60张金唱片和1亿张的单曲销量。他的歌曲“Yesterday”是史上被

灌录次数最多的歌曲,并在美国的广播电视中播放了超过700万次。他为Wings乐队所作的1977年的单曲“Mull of Kintyre”成为了第一张在英国销量

超过200万的单曲唱片,并保持着英国“非慈善单曲”的销售纪录。Paul McCartney是个在歌唱、吉他、低音吉他、钢琴以及打鼓都很有成就、才能的


詹姆斯·保罗·麦卡特尼爵士(Sir James Paul McCartney)大英帝国最高骑士勋章的拥有者(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,简

称 MBE),Paul McCartney于1942年 6月18日在利物浦出生,是一位英国歌手,音乐人,音乐创作家,多种乐器演奏家,诗人,企业家,画家,唱片

制作人,电影制作人,动物保护者。他的事业在于他成为披头士乐队成员时攀上了颠峰。 他作为The Beatles的成员创建者之一入选了摇滚名人堂。

Paul McCartney与John Lennon的组合是史上最成功最有影响力的歌曲创作组合,他们写下了许多摇滚史上最流行的歌曲。离开Beatles之后,Paul

McCartney成为了一名成功的独唱者并和他的第一任妻子Linda Eastman McCartney,歌手、作曲家Denny Laine组成了Wings乐队。近年来,他长期活


乔治·哈里森(George Harrison),英国音乐家、吉他演奏家、歌手、词曲作者、音乐制作人、电影制作人、披头士乐队主音吉他手、主唱之一,以




,哈里森主办了为孟加拉慈善演出,开创了摇滚 乐慈善事业的先河。1973年《活在物质世界里》专辑销量仍然高居榜首。此后,哈里森的音乐商业上

并不很成功,但却在高水平的艺术上倍受肯定。1987年与Jeff Lynne合作,翻唱James Ray 60年代的《Got My Mind Set on You》,在商业上再次取

得辉煌的成功。此后乔治凭着其人格魅力组建了阵容强大的乐队The Traveling Wilburys,取得了非凡的成就。作为电影制作人,哈里森的手工电影



尽管在整个70年代,关于The Beatles (披头士乐队)要重新复合的传闻连绵不断,但是在1980年,随着列侬在纽约街头被刺身亡,披头士彻底


Rock & Roll(摇滚) British Invasion(英国入侵) British Psychedelia(英国迷幻) Folk-Rock(民谣摇滚) Merseybeat(默西之声

) Pop(流行) Pop/Rock(流行/摇滚) Psychedelic(迷幻音乐)British Traditional/guitar Rock(英国传统/吉他摇滚) The Beatles风格

很多元,与乐队敢于尝试创新的特点有关,可以说是相当多风格的鼻祖。 1966年以前,摇滚乐被认为是一种简单的、喧闹的音乐,具有较快的、








第2个回答  2011-02-20
The Beatles is undoubtedly The most influential band last century. In 8 years of time, they not only change the rock and pop, moreover, forever changed all music appearance. In 1956, ronaldo

Nehemiah · more Donegan Lonnie gedaliah (within) and Chris idzikowski Lawrence his interests Jazz Band (Chris Jazz Band) the Barber, with a woody the whitbread bart Island Line "crazy scored row

Line of the top 10 list. (Chris idzikowski Lawrence his interests in 1967 recording a band called "Catc - all" song, this is Paul McCartney in 1957-1960 write) Ronnie more later. Gump within

A series of successful song (such as "CumberlandGap", "for Man") began sweeping the British Isles "Skiffle" music frenzy.

Members introduced
John lennon
John Winston Lennon (John Lennon), The famous British rock band "The Beatles" (The Beatles, also translated do "beetle") member, rock of The all-time greats of music

Home, one of the beatles' soul, poet, social activist, anti-war person.

Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney (for McCartney) is considered to be the top of the 20th century music mark, he by guinness world records as the history of the most successful composer. Whether it is not as the beatles

During, Paul McCartney wrote a total of, or assist wrote more than 50 first 10 big popular songs. He owns 60 run-away best-seller and 1 million of single sales. His song "Yesterday" is history

Record the greatest number of songs, and in the American television aired more than 700 million times. He put the band for of 1977 single "Mull of Kintyre" became the first one in the UK sales

More than 200 million hits album, and holds the British "not charity single" sales record. For in singing, McCartney is a guitar and bass guitar, piano and play the drums are achievement, talent


James Paul McCartney (Sir James McCartney) for the British Empire highest knighthood owners (will made of the British're foundation trilogy ", Jane

Says the MBE), McCartney in 1942 for June 18, born in Liverpool, a British singer, musicians, music creators, a variety of musical performers, poet, entrepreneurs, painter, record

Producer, filmmakers, animal protectors. His career is that he become beatles climbed breakthrought when. As one of The founders of The Beatles members elected to The rock and roll hall of fame.

For John Lennon McCartney and the combination of history's most successful most influential songwriting combination, they wrote many rock history's most popular songs. Leave after Beatles for

McCartney has become a successful solo with and his first wife Linda McCartney Eastman, singer, composer Denny Laine formed put band. In recent years, his long life

Jump in film, music and classical music, and electronic as a solo artist, release the numerous songs

George Harrison (George Harrison), British musician, a guitar player, singer and songwriter, music producer, filmmakers, the beatles tonic guitarist, singer, with one

As one of the most well known beatles.

George harrison as the beatles tonic guitarist, harrison called silence of the beatles head. Because faith India theology, harrison widened the band members's field of vision and the beatles music diversity. Beatles solution

After the scattered, harrison solo career is very successful. 1970 issues "things" album in Britain, America, Norway achieved sales of the first. 1971 because ravi shankar sweet card pleading pain

Harrison hosted for Bangladesh concert, creating a rock music charity precedent. In 1973, "living in a material world" album sales still chart-topping. Since then, the music business harrison

Not very successful, but in a high level of art critically-acclaimed affirmation. In 1987 and Jeff Lynne cooperation, covers the James Ray 1960s Got My Mind Set on You, "take again in business

Too brilliant success. Since George with its charm of personality established a strong lineup band, and achieved The Wilburys'll remarkable achievement. As a movie producer, harrison manual movies

The company produced Madonna movie Shanghai surprise "outstanding works. 1997 harrison diagnosed with larynx, 2001, died. After the demise of harrison before friends held George harrison memorial

Concert. 2004 as a solo artist was elected to the rock and roll hall of fame. 2009 in Hollywood walk, and establish the George harrison humanitarian award.

Although throughout The 1970s, about The Beatles (Beatles) back to The composite of continuous speculation, but in 1980, with lennon in The streets of New York being stabbed, The Beatles thoroughly

Into the museum.

Crazy & your (Rock) British Invasion (British Invasion) British Psychedelia (UK) psychedelic Folk - Ro