
要求:介绍台球的分类 斯诺克 双色球等等,重点是斯诺克 简单介绍下规则 , 最后 简单说下花式台球

第1个回答  2011-02-28
台球(总称)billiards ­


无袋式台球(开仑)carom ­


有袋式台球(落袋)pocketgame ­


英式三球比利 englishbilliard ­


英式22球(斯诺克)snooker ­


美式台球 Americapocketbilliard,pool ­


争黑八打法 eightball ­


九球打法 nineball,knapper ­


台球规则 rulesofplay ­


运动员 player ­


裁判员 referee
记分员 scorer,jidge ­


记分 scoring ­


记分牌 scoringboard ­


预赛 prelim ­


半决赛semifinals ­


1/4决赛quarterfinal ­


决赛final ­


开球区(英式D形区)the"D" ­


开球区(美式)kitchen ­


开球线serveline ­


掷币猜先cointoss,tossoff ­


抽签猜先lot ­


球台table ­


球袋pocket ­


顶袋toppocket ­


中袋middlepocket ­


底袋bottompocket ­


台面playingaren ­


台面标志marks ­


球ball ­


球杆cue ­


架杆rest ­


灯罩lampshade ­


巧克chalk ­


杆头tip ­


滑石粉powder ­


球框(用来摆球的那个三角框)tri-angle ­


球杆连接部joint ­


主球cue-ball ­


目标球object-ball ­


一杆(球)break ­


手中球in-hand ­


局中球ballinplay ­


活球ballon ­


死球snookered ­


死角球angled ­


障碍球snooked ­


自由球free-ball ­
指定球nominated-ball ­


贴球touchingball ­


贴边球frozen ­


跳球jump-ball,jump-shot ­


角度球angled ­


香蕉球(弧线球)english,sidespin ­


袋口相挤的球lawed-ball ­


争议球split-hit ­


罚球penalty ­


进球pot ­


错击error ­


盘fr ­


局game ­


暂停pause ­


平局tiescore ­


总分totalpoints ­


对方opponent ­


失机lossofchance ­


失误miss ­


犯规foul ­

占位occupied ­


空杆miss ­


置球点spots ­


放置彩球spottingcolours(典型的英式用法) ­


黄球置点yellowspot ­


绿球置点greenspot ­


棕球置点brownspot ­


蓝球置点bluespot ­

粉球置点pinkspot ­


黑球置点blackspot ­


瞄准aiming ­


主球走位练习positionexercise ­


名次排列rank ­


排名第二starting2(two) ­


台球厅poolroom ­


自落dropofthecue-ball ­


椎杆pushstroke ­


跟进球follow-ball ­


连击double-hit ­


扎杆prickstroke ­


出界forcedoffthetable ­


僵局stalemate ­


滑杆miscue ­


厚球thickcut ­


薄球thincut ­


偏杆sidespin ­


定杆stopshot ­


缩杆(低杆)sub-side ­


种子选手seeded ­


3号种子选手seeded3(three) ­


上旋球(推杆,高杆)topspin ­


第2个回答  2011-02-22
billiard and snooker are different,billiard came into being in America,but the snooker came from GB.

the 9 ball rules
1.the cue ball must hit the lowest number on the table.
2.the object ball must be hitted in order 1 to 9.
3.when all object balls are pocketed,the game is over.
snooker rules
1.red is valued at 1 point,yellow is valued at 2 points,green is 3,brown is 4,and blue is 5,pink is 6,finally, the black is 7.
2.the cue ball must hit the red first.
3.when the red is pocketed,the player have to choose onther color ball.
4.at the end of the frame,the player who get the higher values is winner.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-03-01
第4个回答  2011-03-03
the 9 ball rules