Don't be arrive还是be arrived

Don't be arrive还是be arrived

    解答:应该是be arrived(已经到了)。


    1)动词原形不能作表语,不能说He is arrive,可以说"He has arrived / is arrived. 他已经到了。”


    We should care for these newly arrived guests . 我们应该关心这些新来的客人。( = We should care for these guests who have just arrived. )

    All the students are arrived. 所有的学生都到了。(= All the students have arrived.)

    We found the teachers arrived. 我们发现老师们已经到了。(= We found (that) the teachers had arrived. )

    类似的不及物动词还有rise,fall,retire, go,come, escape等。例如:

    Spring is come. 春天来了。(=Spring has come. )

    The sun is risen.太阳升起来了。(= The sun has risen. ) 

    They saw the leaves  fallen. (= They saw (that) the leaves had fallen. )

    I find my wallet gone. 我发现钱包不见了。(= I find (that) my wallet has gone. )

    I know this retired worker. (= I know this worker who has retired. )

    The police are searching for the escaped prisoner. 警察正在搜寻这个逃犯。(= The police are searching for the  prisoner has escaped. ) 

第1个回答  2016-05-16
你上述写的两个句子语法都是错的,应该是Don't arrive.
第2个回答  2016-06-09
arrive是动词,变成否定形式应该是don't arrive没到达;如果是don't be arrived是被动语态,翻译成没被到达。但是arrive是一个不及物动词,不能后面直接加名词或者代词(这是个规定,记住就行),所以arrive不能有被动语态。所以应该是don't arrive
第3个回答  2016-06-18
arrive 是不及物动词 没有被动语态 所以be arrived 错误 正确说法是 don't arrive
第4个回答  2016-05-29
don't be arrive是肯定不对的;arrive属于不及物动词,没有被动的形式,所以也没有be arrived的用法。