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根据以上4点,写一篇90词左右的高一英语作文。开头以给出:I,d like to tell you a bad phenomenon. Some students in our class act differently at home from at school.

I,d like to tell you a bad phenomenon. Some students in our classact differently at home from at school. For example, some students in our classstudy so hard and are very helpful. They always help teachers clean up and trytheir best to help classmates solve the difficulties. But they act so differently when their at home. They study passively and depend on their parents everything. My suggestions would be schools should teach student how to independent and improve student learning interest. It would help students have overall development.
第1个回答  2014-01-19
I,d like to tell you a bad phenomenon. Some students in our class act differently at home from at school.When they have a great performance in front of the teachers &classmates, they always show their contract side to their parents.For instance, they are hard-working at study, enthusiastic about helping others. They are a goodhelper for their teacher to do some cleaning, for classmates to solve problems. On the contract,they become lazy and put themselves in a passive position at study , and .they always depend on parents for everything they need.It doesn't make sense that why students become a Two Face Man. I am thinking if it is consider possible that students are suffering from a heavier pressure from society,parents &school.写得不好,请见谅!
第2个回答  2014-01-19