

One day, I finished my homework, and painting.This picture is the theme of " space tourism ", content is a team of space tourism experts in a spaceship into space. Travel home in space to watch the stars, they fly away from the earth, in space to see the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Venus, planet. Finally saw some unknown various star. Travel home in the sigh of space is fantastic.They watch attentively, forget to return the earth time. The ship 's fuel is not much, running out of fuel, the ship sounded the alarm, the pilot will inform the travel experts to fasten your seatbelts, ready, the spacecraft to rapidly into the earth, and the ship is like an arrow to the earth. When the fuel reaches the earth just five percent. That was close. Finally returned to the earth safely.I painted too much, though he also into space. When I grow up, must go to space to see for yourself.有一天,我做完作业,就画起画来。  这张画的主题是《太空旅游》,内容是一队太空旅游家们坐着宇宙飞船来到了太空。旅游家们在太空观看一个个星球,他们飞离了地球,在太空看到了月球,火星,木星,土星,金星,天王星,海王星等行星。最后还看到了一些不知名的各种各样的星球。旅游家们在感叹着太空太神奇了。  他们看的入神了,忘记了返回地球的时间。飞船的燃料不多了,燃料快用完时,飞船响起了警报,飞行员马上通知旅游家们赶快系好安全带,作好准备,飞船要急速冲向地球,然后飞船就象离弦的箭一样向地球驶去。到达地球时燃料只剩百分之五了。  好险呢!总算安全返回地球了。  