

Gold as a hedge of logic - the gold standard and no additional instructions copper also have the money, now also has the same value, and even financing means, why no one say that copper is copper money? Because the abolition of, has a long history, probably in the late Qing Dynasty coins fall, has been the vast track in the Chinese economic life. Has in the past 100 years - time for thorough popular sentiment. Why are Song Hongbing and others call for the restoration of the gold standard? The abolition of the gold standard in 1971, but 40 years. Gold 2000 currency King status, not 40 years to quell. People from the habit of thinking, to accept the gold is the currency than gold not accept money much easier. In the face of the gold standard after the abolition of inflation, economic crisis, currency, gold as a hedge of spamming and other phenomena, but also further promote the concept of gold as a currency, indelible. But the historical and dialectical view, a return to the gold standard, with the revolution of 1911 after the restoration of monarchy, no two. But the latter, Democratic Republic of the public and the restoration of the monarchy is only a flash in the pan; while the former, gold as a hedge of thought deeply in the hearts and minds of the gold standard as expected restoration. Gold is now "hedge" and some monetary accommodation effect, is the general commodity have "commodity attribute." gold because of physical properties of the stable, so that in the "value" than other commodities and a slight advantage. As for monetary accommodation effect, in the modern mortgage finance system, any valuable commodity, can through the collateral to obtain loans, financing, reflect the unique effect, is not gold.
第1个回答  2014-10-21