wait for和wait on的区别


    wait for一般说等人,或者等机会,等条件之类 ,
    wait on后面接的名词一般不是表示人的名词,而是表示“决定”之类的名词或者有关的事物的名词。

    如: What are you waiting for? Just go and tell her you want to date her.你还在等什么?你就去告诉她你想约会她吧。

    Who are you waiting for? I saw you keep looking at your watch.你在等谁呀?我看见你一直在看手表。

    I will be waiting for you. 我会一直等候着你。 wait for 后面不接人的话可以直接接时间表示等多久。

    I have been waiting for a whole year.我已经等了整整一年了。(用这个现在完成进行时态表示等到现在还没有等到结果。如果说have waited for a whole year就是有“等了一年终于等到”的含义。)

第1个回答  2019-11-18
wait on n. 服侍, 招待; 追随; 拜访; 随着而产生
如果表示“等某人(物)进行某动作”,wait后不能接宾语从句,而应用wait for sb.(sth.)to do结构。例如:
Are you waiting for me to give back the book?你在等我还书吗? wait后接表示所等的人、物的名词或代词时,应与介词for连用。例如:
She is waiting for her mother.她正在等她妈妈。
They are waiting for the train.他们正在等火车。
第2个回答  2017-03-19
wait for
1. To wait until the specified event occurs.
Wait for the light to change before you cross the street.
What are you waiting for?
2. To await the arrival of something or somebody.
I'm waiting for my brother.
I'm waiting for the train.

wait on
1. (colloquial) To wait for an event.
I'm waiting on the light to change.
2. To wait for a person to do something.
I'm waiting on you before we can leave.
3. To serve someone.
Is someone waiting on you yet?
4. Used other than as an idiom.
The airplane had to wait on the runway for a few minutes before it could take off.本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2019-07-21
wait on一般用在引申了等某人带头做某件事的时候
wait for重点就在这个为字上 为...等
第4个回答  2017-03-19