

1. Good becomes better; well becomes better.
2. Ill, bad, and badly change to worse; worst is irregular.
3. Little, less, and least indicate comparative and superlative degrees.
4. Old becomes older, elder is irregular, and oldest is irregular.
5. Eldest is irregular for the superlative of old.
6. Many and much change to more and most when forming the comparative and superlative.
7. Far, farther, and farthest are used for distance; furthest is used for degree.
8. Late, later, and latest are used for time, while last is used for order.
These rules encompass the regular and irregular changes in adjectives and adverbs when creating their comparative and superlative forms. Memorization is key for irregular forms, and practice will enhance your understanding. Here are some examples to illustrate:
1. Fat becomes fatter, fattest.
2. Thin becomes thinner, thinnest.
3. Hot becomes hotter, hottest.
4. Red becomes redder, reddest.
5. Wet becomes wetter, wettest.
6. Big becomes bigger, biggest.
7. Beautiful becomes more beautiful, the most beautiful.
8. Delicious, popular, important, interesting, and expensive follow the same pattern.
For multi-syllable adjectives and some irregular ones, use "more" before the base form for the comparative and "the most" before the base form for the superlative. Examples include:
1. Careful becomes more careful, the most careful.
2. Useful becomes more useful, the most useful.
As you can see, the pattern for irregular forms varies, and it's essential to learn them individually. With time and practice, you'll master the use of adjective and adverbial comparisons and superlatives.