关于Not only 放在句首时的倒装

Not only were they deprived of some of the human rights, but also they were maltreated. 这句话倒装部分是错的,为什么?

这句话不对,要把not only放到句中,变成They were not only deprived... 才对。我不明白原句为什么错。

第1个回答  2010-11-25
"Not only ... but also "链接两个句子时,“前倒后不倒”!即:Not only部分倒装,but also部分不倒装。 例如:

Not only are you wrong but also he is wrong.



① deprive of vt. 剥夺;失去

② Not only were they deprived of some of the human rights, but also they were maltreated. 这个句子主语都为they,我给的例句中,两个主语是不同的。 可转化成:

They were not only deprived of some of the human rights, but also were maltreated.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-25