英语字母歌 phonics song 歌词


歌曲:Phonics Song

歌手:Anuradha Javeri

填词:Anuradha Javeri

谱曲:Anuradha Javeri


This is the phonics song So come and sing along


A A A for apple Ba ba ba for ball

A A A代表Apple BA BA代表Ball

Ca ca ca for cat Da da da for dog

CA CA CA代表cat da da da代表dog

This is the phonics song So come and sing along


E E E for elephant Fa fa fa for fan

E E E E E代表大象Fa Fa Fa F A代表粉丝

Ga ga ga for grass Ha ha ha for hand


This is the phonics song So come and sing along


I I I for igloo Je je je for jet


Ka ka ka for kangaroo Le le le for leg

Ka Ka Ka Ka代表袋鼠Le Le Le Le代表腿

This is the phonics song So come and sing along


Ma ma ma for mat Ne ne ne for net


O O O for orange Pe pe pe for pet

O O O O代表橙色PE PE代表宠物

This is the phonics song So come and sing along


Qu qu qu for queen Ro ro ro for road


Su su su for sun Te te te for toad


This is the phonics song So come and sing along


U U U for umbrella Vo vo vo for violin

u u u u u u u u u 

Wa wa wa for watch Xe xe xe for xylophone

Wa Wa Wa Wa代表手表Xe Xe代表木琴

Ye ye ye yellow Ze ze ze for zebra


This is the phonics song So come and sing along



《Phonics Song》是一首由Anuradha Javeri谱曲、填词、演唱的歌曲。该歌曲收录在专辑《Nursery Rhymes: Hooplakidz, Vol. 4》中,由Kdigital Media Ltd.公司发行于2013-11-20,该张专辑包含了10首歌曲。


1、SOPHIA演唱的《Phonics Song》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Phonics Song - Single》中,2016-08-16发行,该张专辑包含了首1歌曲。

2、Farmees演唱的《Phonics Song》,该歌曲收录在专辑《Farmees Nursery Rhymes Vol 8》中,由看见音乐公司发行于2018-08-15,该张专辑包含了30首歌曲。

第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-18
a a apple, b b ball, c c cat, d d dog, e e elephant, f f fish This is phonics song, because I like that.
The names of letters are A B C, the sounds of letters are a b c. g g gorilla, h h hat, i i igloo, j j jacket, k k kagroo, l l lion Let’s do the phonics song one more time.
The names of letters are E F G, the sounds of letters are e f g. m m monkey, n n nose, o o octopus, p p pain, q q question, r r rain
This is phonics song, are you ready to say?
The names of letters are N O P, the sounds of letters are n o p s s sun, t t tiger, u u umbrella, v v violin, w w watch, x x fox
This is phonics song, are you ready to write?
The names of letters are R S T, the sounds of letters are r s t The names of letters are X Y Z, the sounds of letters are x y z. y y yellow, z z zebra ,That’s the end of the phonics song.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-01-25
A is for apple,a a apple
B is for ball,b b ball
C is for cat, c c cat
D is for dog, d d dog
E is for elephant,e e elephant
F is for fish, f f fish
G is for gorilla,g g gorilla
H is for hat, h h hat
I is foe igloo,i i igloo
J is for juice,j j juice
K is for kangaroo,k k kangaroo
L is for lion, l l lion
M is for monkey,m m monkey
N is for no, n n no,
O is for octopus,o o octopus
P is for pig,p p pig,
Q is for quesion,q q question,
R is for rain,r r rain
S is for sun,s s sun,
T is for train,t t train,
U is for umbrella,u u umbrella,
V is for van,v v van
W is for watch,w w watch
X is for box, x x box
Y is for yellow,y y yellow
Z is for zoo,z z zoo
So many things for you to learn about,so many way to sing a song X2