

经济背景:三星公司2001年起成为全球最大的内存芯片、纯平显示器及彩色电视机制造商及第三大手机制造商,在全世界47个国家建有89个分支机构。美国《财富》杂志2003年世界500强行列,其中三星电子排名第59。集团旗下的旗舰公司—— 三星电子,在2003年《商业周刊》IT百强中排名第三,同年,三星在美国取得的专利高达1313项,在世界所有企业中排名第九。该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(WorldBrandLab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第二十六,日益成为行业领跑者,其影响力已经超越了很多业内传统巨头。

Samsung Corp: Samsung Group is Korea's largest enterprise groups, including 26 subsidiary companies and some other legal institutions, in nearly 70 countries and regions established nearly 300 corporate offices, the total number of employees 196000 people, business involves many fields of electronic, mechanical, chemical, financial, industrial, trade and other. Samsung Electronics: company background: Samsung Electronics of South Korea's biggest electronics companies, as well as the Samsung Group's largest subsidiary. In 1938 March it in North Daegu was established, the founder is Li Bingzhe. President Li Jianxi, vice president Li Zairong and Quan Wuxuan, President Cui Zhicheng, is the chief executive officer Kwon Oh Hyun, Shen Zongjun, Yin Fugen, by the three components of the joint CEO. The list of 100 most famous trademark in the world, Samsung Electronics is a South Korean brand only, is a symbol of the South Korean national industry. Economic background: the Samsung Corp in 2001 to become the world's largest memory chips, and flat screen monitors color TV manufacturers and the three largest mobile phone manufacturer, has 89 branch offices in 47 countries around the world build. Beauty
第1个回答  2013-11-21
Samsung Corp.
Samsung Group is Korea's largest enterprise groups, including 26subsidiary companies and some other legal institutions, in nearly 70 countries and regions established nearly 300 corporate offices,the total number of employees 196000 people, business involvesmany fields of electronic, mechanical, chemical, financial, industrial,trade and other.
Samsung electronics:
Company background:
Samsung Electronics is the largest Korean electronics company, is also the Samsung Group's largest subsidiary. In 1938 March it inNorth Daegu was established, the founder is Li Bingzhe. PresidentLi Jianxi, vice president Li Zairong and Quan Wuxuan, PresidentCui Zhicheng, is the chief executive officer Kwon Oh Hyun, Shen Zongjun, Yin Fugen, by the three components of the joint CEO.The list of 100 most famous trademark in the world, Samsung Electronics is a South Korean brand only, is a symbol of the South Korean national industry.
Economic background: the Samsung Corp in 2001 to become the world's largest memory chips, and flat screen monitors color TVmanufacturers and the three largest mobile phone manufacturer,has 89 branch offices in 47 countries around the world build. The United States "fortune" magazine in 2003 the world 500 strong cavalcade, which Samsung ranked fifty-ninth. Group under theAdmiral Company -- Samsung Electronics in 2003, "business week"IT hundred ranked third, the same year, Samsung obtained a patent in the United States as high as 1313, all enterprises in the world ranked ninth. The enterprise brand in the world brand laboratory (WorldBrandLab) in twenty-sixth of the 2006 "world brand 500 strong" list, becoming the industry leader, its influence has surpassed many traditional industry giants.
Background: the brand will be digital products more according to itsbrand to distinguish, rather than to its function or quality. From the beginning of 1999, Samsung adhere to the implementation of the global brand communication strategy. Samsung Group in 2003sales of about $96500000000, brand value of $10850000000, a hundred brands in the world ranked twenty-fifth, for two consecutive years become the fastest growing brands.
Since November 10, 2005, Samsung Electronics will implement the overall marketing strategy, instead of separate marketing plan, in order to enhance its market power, and high quality products to enhance the brand value. In the "Wow (Marvel), Simple (simple)and Inclusive (affinity)" brand philosophy, Samsung Electronics is launching a global brand promotion activities.