I have a problem on study 英语对话


A:Hi, what's are you doing ?You look so serious!B:oh,jenny,hehe,I have a trouble on this sentence that I don't know how to explain them into Chinese.A:Oh~,could you let me know what is the sentence's structure?B:Okay,here you are.A:hmhm~~~B:What's your opinion?A:Oh,it's a sentence include five little parts.If you want to explain this ,you couldn't to explain in the normal mind.B:Oh,let me see.A:Is there anything you just be found?B:oh! hahaha~~~~~~~~,I see, it's so funny.I could do this ,thanks for your reminding.A:hehehe,it's my pleasure.
第1个回答  2013-12-12
A: This is so hard
B: take it easy, read it again, you will get it.
A: I think I will never understand this.
B: come on, what's the problem
A: It's just this week's economics, I dont seem to understand any of this.
B: you mean the ones on micro-economics?
A: yea, I mean, I dont even understand what is opportunity cost
B: let me explain to you , its the value of the next best alternative.
A: so you mean the thing that an individual give up for something else?
B: thats right, economics is all about that.
A: I see, with your explanation, i seem to have some more confidence on this now.
B: thats good to hear
A: thanks for your help
B: anytime.