

arning goals: 1. Read and understand a review of a performance of an opera. 2. To learn how to read a review of an opera. 3. To learn the important usages of some key words and phrases in the review. Importaant phrases: 1在他生命的最后时期______________________ 2以…为背景 ____________________ 3之后不久 ________________________ 4呈现出经典的三角恋 _____________________ 5允诺由她自己选择丈夫 _______________________ 6变成 __________________________ 7陷入沉默 ____________________ 8不顾一切地想知道他的名字____________________________ 9 赢得某人的好感 ____________________________________ 10把他的将来托付给了她 _________________________________ 11 为了避免婚姻 ___________________ 12 倾诉对某人的爱______________________ Important sentences: 1 Last night,I witnessd the first of only eight performancess of Giacomo Puccini’s world-famous opera, Turandot, being performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 It starred some of the world’s greatest opera singers. Many great Chinese musicians, actors anf singers were also cast. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 The story then takes on a classic love triangle featuring Calaf, Turandot, and Liu, whose love for Calaf is uncontional. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 The emperor finds the deaths of so many men disturbing, and although he would like to , he cannot break his promise. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Seeing this, Calaf says if she can guess his name by sunrise, she does not have to marry him. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Then Calaf says his own name aloud, leaving his future in Turandot’s hands. _______________________________________________________________________________ Language points: 1 witness (L1) vt. ①目击,注意到:Did any one witness the accident? 有谁目击了这次意外事故吗? ②为…作证,证明 :
He witnessed the truth of my statement. 他证明我的陈述真实。 ③表明,说明:His flushed face witnessed the great excitement he felt.他通红的脸表明他很激动 vi. 作证人,成为证据:witness to a fact 为事实作证

n. ① [C]见证人,目击者:Someone must have seen the accident but the police can find no witnesses. 肯定有人看见事故的发生,但警方找不到目击证人。 ②[U]证据,证言:History is tne most telling witness. 历史是最好的见证。 2 In order to avoid marriage, ….. (L 8) ①in order to 以便,为了,目的是,to为不定式 :
In order to catch the train, she hurried through her work. 为了赶火车,她匆匆做完了他的工作。 in order that 后接从句,从句中常用can (could)或may(might)+动词原形: You will have to study many years in order that you could become a success.
. 你必须读很多年的书才能成为一个成功人士。 so as to 为了/以便做某事,to为不定式,不可放于句首: They did anything so as to make money. 为了赚钱,他们什么事都做。 ②avoid vt. 避免,避开 avoid doing sth 避免做某事 avoid sth 避开某物/某事 Learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones. 惩前毖后.
She avoided answering my questions她对我的问题避而不答。 ③marriage n. 婚姻 marry v. 结婚,嫁,娶 married adj. 已婚的 They have a happy marriage. 他们的婚姻非常美满. She’
s determined to marry all her daughters to rich men. 她决心把她所有的女儿都嫁给有钱人。 We ’re getting married next month. 我们下个月结婚。 marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人 get married 结婚 married life 婚后生活 be married to sb 和某人结婚 3 fall in love (L17) fall (fell, fallen) n. 秋季 vi. ①落下,下降,降临 The leaves fall in autumn. 秋天树叶凋落。 Night has fallen. 夜幕降临。 ②跌倒,倒下 The roof fell in. 屋顶塌了。 ③沦陷,陷落 Troy finally fell to the Greeks. 特洛伊最终被希腊人攻陷。 ④变成 He fell silent.他安静下来。 相关词组:fall asleep入睡 fall back 落后 fall behind 落在…的后面 fall ill 生病 fall dpwn 倒下,落下 fall into the habits of …. (养成)…的习惯 4 …., who has promised to allow her to choose ….(L22) promise n. 诺言;希望,指望 vt 允诺;有…的希望,给人以…的指望,表明会有 Don’t make promise you can't keep. 不要做出你不能信守的诺言。 Her works show great promise. 他的作品大有前途。 He has promised her a present for her birthday. 他答应在她生日时给她一个礼物。

The clouds promised rain.阴云预示有雨。 promise sb sth / promise sth to sb答应给某人某物 / 允诺把某物给某人 promise (sb.) to do sth 答应(某人)做某事 她答应决不再对他说谎。
She promised him never to lie to him again. make a promise 答应,许下诺言 keep a promise 遵守诺言 break a promise 不守信用,食言 promise oneself 决定…,期待… allow vt. ① 允许,准许:Playing football in the street is not allowed. 大街上禁止踢足球。 ② 同意给:He allows his son too much money. 他给儿子太多钱。 ③ 允许进入:He allowed me to enter. 他允许我进入。 ④ 承认:I allow that he is an able man. 我承认他是个有才干的人。 vi. 承认,容许;原谅,体谅,顾及We should allow for his youth, 我们应当体谅他年轻。 My parents don’
t allow smoking.我的父母不允许抽烟。 My parents don’
t allow me to smoke.我的父母不允许我抽烟。 allow doing sth 允许做某事 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 allow for 考虑到,体谅,为…留有余地 allow of 容许 permit vt. 允许,容许 n. 许可证,通行证 permission n. 允许 He entered the room without
permission. 他未经许可就进入了房间。 His hearth didn’
t permit going with you. 他的健康不允许他和你们一起去。
The chairman permitted him to speak. 主席允许他发言。 permit doing sth permit sb to do sth 5 Turandot was desperate to learn his name …(L27) desperate adj. ①不顾一切的,拼命的;绝望的 Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girl’s life. 医生们不惜一切地抢救那和小女孩的生命。 ②非常需要的;很渴望的
The traveller was desperate for a drink of water. 那位游客极想喝水。
I was absolutely desperate to see her. 我极想见到她。 be desperate for 非常需要/渴望某事/物 be desperate to do sth非常需要/渴望做某事 6 condemn vt. 判刑,处刑;谴责,声讨 comdemn sb/ sth as …… 指责….是…… condemn sb for (doing ) sth 因….而指责某人 condemn sb to death 判某人死刑 condemn sb to sth 迫使某人陷入不幸的境地;使某人接受不好的某事物 She knew that society would condemn her for leaving her children. 她知道社会会谴责她遗弃孩子。 The prisoner was codemned to death. 犯人被判处死刑。 They were condemned to a life of hardship. 他们不得不过着艰辛的生活。 ①
The papers were quick to condemn him for his mistake. 报纸及时地指责他的错误。 ②
She is often condemned as an uncaring woman. 她常因不关系别人而受到责难。