

The transnational coporations be as the possessor of the advanced techonolgy .Also be the innovators and spreader of the advanced techonolgy . Discuss - develop - renew the techonalgy . so be as the business and the TC to manage and develop mainstay. Its important be nothing difficult Our state TC to get up late and the techonalgy compare contrast fall behind , that to remain the great gap by the developed state Nowadays, The global economy unify to from a complete whole .Giving our state pressure and chance . Our state TC ought to grasp a good chance . Be up to absorb in the advanced techonolgy , At same time to increase our discuss-develop ability . Original summary in the first to introduce the SONY Co. from set up to succeed . Ever been adopted, what kind of the strategy . Through the tactics , to lead the business to forward the glorious and succeed . which to get up a introduction. Then from the SONY Co. case , that to the discuss - develop tactics .and the remain questions of our TC what to turn over to think. At last to bring forth the corresponding strategy that to promote our works .

TC means Transnational Coporations
第1个回答  2010-11-28
Multinational companies are the not only the owner but also the innovater and disseminator of advanced technology. Researching and updating the technology is a mainstay to the development of managing in organizations and Multinational companies and its importance needs not to say. Multinational companies in our country starts late and the technologies are behind others. We still have a long distance from developed countries. The integration of global economy brings us pressure as well as optuinities. Multinational companies in our countries should hold the chance: improve the ability of self studing when absorb the advanced technology from other countries.