

I'm very proud of myself ,beacuse I think I am a superboy!Beacuse I'm do well in each exams of Chinese Math and English!So I often get good marks!( over 110 marks!) And I also good at sport!Such as,running,swimming and so on!I run fastest in our class and I am in school swimming team.I am also proud of my hobbies!There are so many kinds of hobbies that I like,such as,reading cycling and so on!In a word there a many different points that I proud of myself!
第1个回答  2015-08-29

When I was six, I remembered reading a story about a marathon runner with my dad. Now when I think of it, it was rather a cliche story. The runner in the end, reached finish line and I was then told "you always suceed when keep going on without giving up, just like the marathon runner."

I was never so amazed by that concept until I finally joined a marathon myself. It was all thanks to my dear friends who recommended me as the runner to the new class leader. Without having anything to say for me, I was signed up by others and now standing under the extreme heat.

the starting gun shot, some runners sprinted off immediately like an arrow and leading in the front. In the back line where me and some girls and a fat dude who also got draged into this, running slowly.

For around five minutes, I could already hearing a bunch of people breathing heavily, but it was also hard to believe i'm one of them. Half an hour passed, my ankles and legs are getting tired.Then I thought I almost lost my consciousness but I shaked myself back to life and read my watch again, it had been whole two hours of running without stopping.Needlessly to mention, my whole body was in pain, feet and throat were burning hot, and I thought I could collaps in anytime.

I suddenly thought about the story again. "Not giving up." A blast of cheering raised from aside, cleared my vison and it was the finish line. My tiredness immedialy are replaced by relieve, along with the cherring, i draged my body and reached to the finish line.

Later again, I thought about that marathon and the story again. They are both quite cliche stories, but I sure understand now, the importance of "keep on going without giving up" and this should be the proudest thing I have ever done.