

你好,前两题的答案1Yes,I did\No,I didn#39t 2park表示地点的名词都行后面三题语法,句子通顺,都正确。

sure,I really love you。

第一个问题那么明显是错的,前面都说了是daugter那就应该her name,所以第三个是正确的学英语有十大诀窍一是随时随地,二是做好记录,三是练习思维与表达同步,四是坚持练口语,五是活学活用,六是多用精听练习法。

1Be dying for 2 Once the stubborn man is determined to do sth,he would not change his mind 3what is your attitude toward this travel?4She prefers tell the truth to lie5 It was in the。

Do you like lettuce in sandwich ?你喜欢在三明治里放生菜吗Do you like a sandwich with lettuce这个也是对的,只是没前一个简洁其它的都不是地道的英语了。

毕竟是我爱的人, 我能够怪你什么,对啊!我什么都介意,但见到你的那一刻,我什么After all, it is the person I love, I can blame you, right! I care about everything, but the moment I see you, what。

楼上的 笑出来了啦,都 F了 还 quot注意委婉quot咧 哈哈哈哈画面脑补不出来 到底怎样才可以 委婉F 啊! 有笑点扑哈哈哈哈~!quot这句话对不对啊quot 委婉说法有Could you tell me whether it#39sthe sentense。

Can you stay a few more days例句1你不能多住几天吗Can#39t you stay a few more days?柯林斯英汉双解大词典2多住几天有折扣吗Is there a discount for staying several days?3“对啊,巧儿。
