求大神发 英语周报高一课标2015-2016 第43期 谢谢


英语周报高一课标2015-2016 第43期的答案及解析
11-15 CAACC 16-20ACCBB 21-25 DCAAB 26-30DBAAC
31-35 BBACA 36-40BEDAC
41-45 DACAD 46-50DBBCA 51-55 DCBAC 56-60 CDBAA
61. where 62.arrived
63. called 64. is surrounded
65. to be 66.an
67. especially 68. traditional
69. that 70.walking
71. ... I go to ... go → went
72. ... looking forward it ... it前加to
73. ... at the airports ... airports → airport
74. ... were really exciting.
exciting → excited
75. ... were not any ... were → was
76. Everyone here said ... here → there
77. ... to the bed ... 去掉the
78. ... feeling sadly that ... sadly → sad
79. ... when they got ... they → we
80. ... had been snowed ...
snowed→ snowing或去掉been
One possible version:
Dear Ted,
I'm writing to tell you that our schoolEnglish newspaper wants a part-time English editor. Since you have been lookingfor a part-time job, I hope you can think about this position.
For this job, you will be asked to writenews reports and find and correct mistakes in newspapers before they'reprinted. In addition, making editorial plans is another important task. You aregood at English and computers. Therefore, I'm sure you'll be well suited forit. It is a good opportunity that you shouldn't miss. If you are interested inthis job, please call at 0351-7773957 or send your personal information andapplication to [email protected].
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
A篇 (个人情况)
21. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Since he was nine, Babar Ali has been running his own school和passing on to the children of poor families the knowledge可知,Babar在很小的年纪就开始了教书生涯。
22. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的gradually we took on more and more students和第五段中的has a total of 10 teachers ... 650 pupils可知,随着时间的推移,Babar的学校师生队伍越来越壮大。
23. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的描述可知,Babar起早贪黑,一天要工作很长时间。
24. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的His father, Nasiruddin, was shocked when he first discovered his sonwas teaching以及他说的I couldn't believeit可知,Babar的父亲在一开始听说儿子在教书时感到很吃惊。
B篇 (自然)
25. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Today, the shellfish are caught for a different reason — restaurantmenus可知,如今阿曼的渔民采集鲍鱼是因为它味道鲜美。
26. D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的They can only survive successfully in areas where cold, rich waterrises from the sea bed可知,鲍鱼的生长需要特殊的环境。
27. B。词义猜测题。根据划线词下一句中的there was a three-year official order against abalone fishing inOman and now fishing is only allowed from October 20 to November 15 each year可知,鲍鱼的捕捉受到严格的控制。
28. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的one of the friendly environments that support abalone populations及As these winds blow across the surface, the rich cold water from thedepths of the Arabian Sea can easily rise and move towards the coast可知,季风对鲍鱼的生存有益。
C篇 (兴趣与爱好)
29. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的pictures showing examples of past successes, like winning a prizemay mean a person is only interested in themselves可知,如果有人用奖品的照片当电脑的桌面壁纸,说明这类人只在乎自己。
30. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Most people with cityscapes as their wallpaper are optimistic和第四段中的Pictures of animals show that you are optimistic可知,积极乐观的人往往会将城市风景或动物的图片用作电脑的桌面壁纸。
31. B。标题归纳题。文章第一段为主题段,其中的the wallpaper on your computer can tell people a lot about you点明文章主旨,即:电脑的桌面壁纸可以反映一个人的个性。故B项作标题贴切。
D篇 (旅游)
32. B。推理判断题。根据第二段中Josh将自己在上船前看Rega的宣传册和上船后经历的实际情况对比可知,Rega没能提供令人满意的适合青年的活动。
33. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Josh's parents had almost decided they'd never take their family ona cruise again可知,在经历了Rega提供的海上旅行之后,Josh的父母准备放弃此类的海上航游。
34. C。推理判断题。根据第三段中的I was worried it'd be boring, but I have to admit the ruins wereactually quite cool可知,Josh一开始担心Flora的那些游览项目无聊,然而最后他却非常喜欢。
35. A。主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了适合青少年的海上航游,文中的they had activities that teenagers could join in和new cruises that were specially for families with teenagers是提示。
36. B。根据该空后一句And it is considered the most passionate ballroom dance可知,空格处介绍伦巴舞的基本情况符合语境。
37. E。根据该空前的African slaves和该空后的a hardday's work以及find the person theywere in love with and dance the Rumba可知,奴隶每天工作很长时间,放松的方式非常有限。
38. D。根据该空后的They wanted to dance the Rumba in public可知,奴隶跳的伦巴舞给奴隶主留下了非常深刻的印象。
39. A。根据该空前的he decided it was so exciting and interesting it should be danced inLondon, too可知,伦巴舞后来被引进到伦敦,从此推广到全球。
40. C。根据该空前的Some dance a type of Rumba that is very fast and features bigmovements可知,空格处继续列举另一些伦巴舞种类符合该处语境。
41. D。上文引号中的内容是你可能“听到过的(heard)”。
42. A。某个受欢迎的孩子可能说过类似这样的话。
43. C。根据该句中的Do you just give in可知,你会做出让步然后做这些孩子“建议(suggest)”的事情吗?
44. A。根据上文中的one of the popular kids at school say可知,你会不管他们“说(say)”什么都坚持去上课吗?
45. D。联系文章的整体内容以及常识可知,第一段中描述的事情“经常(often)”发生。
46. D。根据该空后的something you're not quite sure about. Sometimes, you feel可知,当朋友要求你去做你拿不准的事情时,你很难做出自己的“决定(decision)”。
47. B。“你觉得自己应该做某事”受到“人人都在做这件事”的影响,故填because。
48. B。根据该空后的go against the majority可知,不随大流很“难(hard)”。
49. C。根据上文对于peer pressure的解释可知,其他同龄人会迫使你去做他们“想(want)”做的事情。
50. A。根据该空后的because they want to be more popular以及下一句与该句进行对比可知,有些人在面对同龄人压力时“做出让步(give in to)”。
51. D。根据该空后的others will make fun of them可知,这是有些人的“担忧(worry)”。
52. C。这里假设如果他们不随大流的情况,故填if。
53. B。everyone is doing it是一种“想法(idea)”。
54. A。根据该空后的if your peers encourage you to be a better person可知,这种情况下的同龄人压力是一件“好(good)”事。
55. C。根据本句中的But和something you don'treally want to do可知,但是绝大多数时候的同龄人压力“逼迫(pushes)”你做一些自己不情愿做的事情。
56. C。根据下一段介绍如何解决同龄人压力这一问题可知,此处填deal with。
57. D。根据该句中的be self-confident可知,你应该“追随(follow)”自己的情感和信念。
58. B。应该拒绝那些“试图(trying)”逼迫你的人。
59. A。该空前的两句提到应对同龄人压力的方法之一,这句中的have a good friend是另一种办法,故填also。
60. A。根据上一句中的helps to have a good friend who respects your beliefs可知,如果有了朋友的支持,那么在面对同龄人压力时你就不再是“孤军奋战(alone)”。
61. where。 考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰town且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
62. arrived。考查一般过去时。由two weeks ago可知,设空处表示的动作发生在过去,故填arrived。
63. called。考查过去分词作定语的用法。call与canal之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,又因call表示的动作已发生,故填called。
64. is surrounded。考查一般现在时的被动语态。canal与surround之间是动宾关系,且此处表示目前的情况,故填is surrounded。
65. to be。考查不定式作状语的用法。enough后常跟动词不定式。
66. an。考查不定冠词。ride 是可数名词,且在此表示泛指,又因其被evening修饰,故填an。
67. especially。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词interesting,故填副词especially(尤其)。
68. traditional。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处修饰style,故填形容词traditional(传统的)。
69. that。考查连接词。 设空处引导表语从句,又因从句成分及意义均完整,故填that。
70. walking。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。spend ... (in)doing sth. 意为“花费……做某事”。

I. 1-5 DADBD
11-15 AADBC 16-20DDACA
1. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的their vehicle broke down in a desert area ninety miles north of thetown of Laverton. This happened on a Tuesday可知,周二的时候McDonald一家正被困在澳大利亚的一个沙漠里。
2. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的the family planned carefully for their desert trip和该段接下来介绍他们所知道的注意事项可知,McDonald一家对此次沙漠旅行作了相当充分的准备。
3. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的stay with their vehicle和they did the right thing by lighting a fire as a signal to attractattention可知,当车在沙漠抛锚后,McDonald一家发出了求救信号并在原地等待救援。
4. B。段落大意题。根据第三段中的When it comes to making a desert trip, the spokesperson alsosuggested ... Besides, travelers should ... The spokesperson's final suggestionwas to ... 可知,发言人在第三段主要谈到准备沙漠旅行的细节问题。
5. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中John McDonald说的Don't panic.Stay where you are and wait to be rescued可知,他建议如果被困在沙漠一定不要惊慌失措,要保持镇定。
1. D。根据下文的介绍以及常识可知,贺卡本身传递着“信息(message)”。
2. B。根据该空后的such as a birthday, graduation, or marriage可知,贺卡也适合特殊的“私人(personal)”场合。此处与上文中的ageneral occasion形成对比。
3. C。上文提到贺卡的两种用处:普通场合和私人场合,此处讲贺卡的第三种用途:“还(also)”可用来表达友谊。
4. A。5. C。根据最后一段中的the basicpurpose of a greeting card is to communicate可知,“赠送(sending)”贺卡的风俗和人们想“沟通交流(communicate)”的愿望有关。
6. B。根据该空前的is always chosen for another可知,贺卡是为他人挑选的,买贺卡的人从来不会自己“留着(kept)”贺卡。
7. D。根据该空后的most important holidays or occasions可知,贺卡可以用来“庆祝(mark)”很多重要的节日或时刻。
8. A。根据该空前的Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween可知,这都是一些重要“事件(events)”。
9. C。根据上一句中的Greeting cards are available可知,在很多节假日都有贺卡“销售(available)”。
10. B。根据下文的most people find it difficult to put their feelings into可知,人们发现很“难(difficulty)”将自己的感情表达出来。
11. A。人们很难表达自己的感情“促成(led to)”了各种日常贺卡的使用。
12. A。根据该空后的sympathy cards in the case of death可知,祈求身体康复的卡片是在别人“生病(illness)”时使用的。
13. D。上文提到两种日常使用的卡片cheering “get well” cards和sympathy cards,此处指日常卡片还“包括(include)”在生日和婚礼这样的场合使用的贺卡。
14. B。虽然上文提到多种日常使用的贺卡,“然而(however)”用的最广泛的还是友谊卡。
15. C。根据该空后的more than a cheery “hello,”可知,这是友谊卡上表达问候采取的一种“形式(form)”。
16. D。根据上文中的friendship cards可知,既然是卡片,因此是一种“印刷出来的(printed)”祝福。
17. D。18. A。贺卡的“成功(success)”常归因于人们发现很难将自己的感情用“文字(words)”表达出来。
19. C。根据下文中的it says what the purchaser wants to say可知,由于贺卡的初衷是要便于人们交流,因此“祝福语(greeting)”非常重要。
20. A。根据but可知,“除非(unless)”贺卡上说的话正好是购买者想说的,否则他们是不会购买贺卡的。来自:求助得到的回答
第1个回答  2016-12-15
we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but