look back翻译中文


第1个回答  2023-06-01

“look back”可翻译为“回顾”、“回忆过去”。

“look back”在某些文化背景下可能有一些不同的含义,比如在部分企业管理方式中,“look back”是指回顾过去所做的事情,寻找进步的空间,也考虑如何改进未来的行动。“look back”也可以引申为在竞争激烈的市场中,企业需要回头看看自己的表现,思考他们做得好的部分和有待改进的部分,以便未来更好地管理公司的发展。这种思维方式通常称为“backward looking”。

“look back”造句如下:

1、As I look back on my life, I realize that everything I have accomplished has been because of the hard work and support of others.


2、The coach asked the team to take a moment and look back on the season, reflecting on what they had done well and where improvements could be made.教练要求团队花一会儿时间回顾这个赛季,反思自己做得好的方面以及有哪些方面还需要改进。

3、It's important for businesses to periodically look back on their strategies and results to ensure they are still on track to meet their objectives.定期回顾企业的战略和成果对于确保公司实现目标非常重要。

4、When I look back on my childhood, I remember spending countless hours playing outside with my friends.当我回忆童年时,我记得和朋友们在外面玩了数不清的小时。

5、The history books allow us to look back on the past and understand how things have changed over time.历史书籍让我们能够回顾过去,了解随着时间的推移事情如何发生了变化。

look back的近义词

1、Reflect on:反思,思考。


