这句话翻译和语法解析,what it takes to be successful怎么翻译?

This is a guy who has taken simple but profound fundamentals of what it takes to be successful and used them to earn more than a million dollars a year by age twenty-four

1. "This is a guy" - 这是句子的主干,"This" 是主语,"is" 是动词,"a guy" 是宾语。
2. "who has taken simple but profound fundamentals of what it takes to be successful" - 这是一个定语从句,用来修饰 "a guy"。"who" 是该定语从句的主语,"has taken" 是动词短语,"simple but profound fundamentals" 是直接宾语,"of what it takes to be successful" 是一个介词短语,其中 "what it takes to be successful" 是一个宾语从句,作为 "of" 的宾语。
3. "and used them to earn more than a million dollars a year" - 这是一个并列的主谓结构,"and" 是连词,"used them" 是动词短语,"them" 指代前面的 "simple but profound fundamentals","to earn more than a million dollars a year" 是一个不定式短语作为状语,说明 "used them" 的目的或结果。
4. "by age twenty-four" - 这是一个介词短语作为状语,说明在24岁这个年龄阶段,他已经实现了前述的动作。追答

1. "This is a guy" - 这是句子的主干,"This" 是主语,"is" 是动词,"a guy" 是宾语。
2. "who has taken simple but profound fundamentals of what it takes to be successful" - 这是一个定语从句,用来修饰 "a guy"。"who" 是该定语从句的主语,"has taken" 是动词短语,"simple but profound fundamentals" 是直接宾语,"of what it takes to be successful" 是一个介词短语,其中 "what it takes to be successful" 是一个宾语从句,作为 "of" 的宾语。
3. "and used them to earn more than a million dollars a year" - 这是一个并列的主谓结构,"and" 是连词,"used them" 是动词短语,"them" 指代前面的 "simple but profound fundamentals","to earn more than a million dollars a year" 是一个不定式短语作为状语,说明 "used them" 的目的或结果。
4. "by age twenty-four" - 这是一个介词短语作为状语,说明在24岁这个年龄阶段,他已经实现了前述的动作。
