
李白成为签约职业诗人的话,他的收入能超越当今文坛第一人金庸呢?李白成为签约职业诗人的话,他的收入能超越当今文坛第一人金庸呢? 他俩都是现在的人,他们一起写文章,李白写诗歌,金庸写小说,他们谁能赚的更多的钱!







----该段落为作者(放松的世界 和 长空飞帆 )原创,意味奖励原创的朋友,多谢指点!





If Li Bai became a contracted poet, can his income exceed that of today's number one literary giant Jin Yong? If they are both contemporary writers, and wrote at the same time, Li Bai with his poems and Jin Yong with his novels, who will earn more money?

I think the answer is definitely Jin Yong.
We live in different times and society has different demands. During the Tang Dynasty, everyone loved poetry, wrote poetry and appreciated poetry. When someone writes a good poem, he is loved by millions. Li Bai was one such person. However, in today's society, poetry is no longer a part of mainstream literature, society's desire for poetry is not the same as in ancient times. Also, Li Bai expanded the boundaries of poetry, and created the height of romanticism, this was something that no one had done before. But had he lived in today's world, it would be difficult to expand the frontiers of ancient poetry any further, and hence it would be difficult for him to create anything new. Therefore he would not have the same accomplishments today.

In this age of high speed economic development, people usually live under a lot of stress. This creates a need for people to relax. Art is the way to fill this spiritual void. Poetry, however, being an elegant art, can only be understood by a selected few. I cannot say that the high arts are not beautiful, but people just prefer the common arts, because not many people can understand the high arts! Poetry is a good example.

In this fast food culture, even if people can appreciate poetry, people would probably still prefer novels as a common past-time. The reason being, work and study already consume much of our brain power, and people probably wouldn't want to use up more of their brain to appreciate the intricate layers of poetic symbolism. Furthermore, novels being a leisure read, do not require much in-depth thinking. Their action-packed story lines can easily create pleasure for readers. This is something poetry cannot do. I, for one, would definitely prefer Jin Yong to Li Bai in the little free time I have after school. It isn't because I do not like Li Bai, it is rather that Jin Yong brings pleasure more directly and clearly than Li Bai. I think this is how most people would feel.

A person's development has always been restricted by his environment. Whether one can be great is dependent on oneself; but receiving recognition from others, is depenent upon outside forces. This is beyond people's control. The fact that this a different age and time caused the fall of poetry, and the rise of novels. And the rise and fall of poetry and novels, will determine whether Li Bai will be more popular than Jin Yong.

The difference between literary genres could be another reason for the fall of Li Bai in today's society. Poetry being a highly concentrated art form, expresses more emotions than anything else, like the saying "Poetry expresses intentions". The unique nature of poetry, furthered the distance between poetry and other forms of art, such as television and video games. Where television and video games are another two highly popular art forms in today's world. The distance between poetry and these types of art makes it difficult to transform poetry into those art forms. This is the reason that poetry cannot win the hearts of mainstream audiences today.

It is different with Novels. Novels have complete story lines. Their content are often expressed as plots. And plot, is also an important element of television and video games. Hence it is relatively easy to transform novels into television and video games, and be accepted by the populous. Novels are more adaptable to other art forms than poetry, this suggests a higher potential for future growth, in other words, earn more money than poetry. Therefore, if Li Bai lived in today's world, his accomplishments definitely would compare to that of Jin Yong.
第1个回答  2007-02-21
of feelings : Shi Yan Zhi. The unique nature of poetry, along with the other art forms have a greater distance, for example : video games. Television, the game is also the most popular art forms. Poetry and the distance between them, making it
第2个回答  2007-02-21
ASK:Being a professional contract in the words of the poet Li Bai, his income will exceed the current literary scene first person Jin Yong? Being a professional contract in the words of the poet Li Bai. his income will exceed the current literary scene first person Jin Yong? Compare the people who write articles together. Poems written by Li Bai, a professor of writing fiction, who can earn more money!
ANSWER:I personally think that is no doubt Jin Yong! Times have changed, the needs of the community is not the same. In the Tang Dynasty, not everyone can write poems, Poetry. If someone can write a poem, will be the pursuit of millions of people, such as Li Bai. In contemporary poetry is not in the mainstream literature, social rehabilitation was not the pursuit of poetry. If the contemporary Li Bai, how many people know that he is still a problem! Today, because of Li Bai's status, not just because he received a well-written poem. He also opened up the scope of poetry, has created a romantic peak, and this is not unprecedented, and Li Bai achieve. If he can be in contemporary ancient areas have not developed a new can, and he can no longer an innovation. Now he will not get the position. In this modern era of rapid economic development, people are usually under heavy pressure at life. Then people will have a relaxed demand, it will need to meet the strong demand for the arts. Classic literature and poetry as an art, only a few people can appreciate it. As the former Somewhere between not bad and it is where most people prefer. Spring Snow because not many people can understand! Poetry, too. Now the fast-food culture prevalent in the 1990s, even if people are able to appreciate poetry. probably more willing to choose fiction as the usual entertainment. Because people can work and study, which would have is a very intellectual labor costs. They thought, pondering again to the content of poetry, I am afraid, not how many people are willing. And the literary fiction as entertainment, people need to think deeply content limited, and to have the exciting circumstances, can be easily give a reading pleasure. These poems are unparalleled. I like that comparison, in the study, I prefer not meet Jin Yong Li Bai. Li is not that I do not like, but I bring excitement than Li Jin Yong to be much more direct and clear. I think this should also be the feeling of most people. Human development, there must be external environment. Can excelled in their key; And can be recognized by others, or rely on outside. These have not to be human. It is precisely because of the different times, different needs, resulting in a decline of poetry and literary fiction's rise. The decline of literary fiction and poetry and the rise of another doomed Jin Yong Li came to be more than a few people in love. Furthermore, the different literary genres, and perhaps Li was born in today's achievements as host of reasons. Poetry as a high concentration of arts and literature, it is more an expression of feelings : Shi Yan Zhi. The unique nature of poetry, along with the other art forms have a greater distance, for example : video games. Television, the game is also the most popular art forms. Poetry and the distance between them, making it difficult to transform into these forms of poetry. This has resulted in difficult and the majority of people love poetry. Fiction, the novel has a complete story. Its meaning is more to performance on the circumstances. And the case with video games is an important element. This makes the novel and easily transformed into video games, the majority of people recognized. Poetry better than the arts into other novels, which dooms the novel's potential is much greater than poetry. Said White, also earns much more than poetry. So, if Li was born in the contemporary, he absolutely can not catch up with the achievements of Jin Yong!
第3个回答  2007-02-21
Question: Li Bai becomes the signing a treaty professional poet's speech, his income can surmount now literary arena first person of Jin Yong? Li Bai becomes the signing a treaty professional poet's speech, his income can surmount now literary arena first person of Jin Yong? Those two all are the present person, they write the article together, Li Bai write the poetry, Jin Yong write the novel, their who can gain more money! Replied: I thought absolutely is Jin Yong! Time already different, society's demand has been dissimilar In the Tang Dynasty, everybody love the poem, composes a poem, enjoys the poem. If some people can write a good poem, can obtain surely the person to pursue holds, looks like Li Bai is this. But in now, the poetry in is not the literature mainstream, the society to the poetry the pursue also no longer initially. If Li Bai lives in the present age, some how many people know him or a question! Because of the Li Bai present status, not merely is because his poem can write obtains. Also because he has developed the poetry scope, has created a romanticism peak, this is the predecessor cannot achieve, but Li Bai achieved. But if he in the present age, the ancient poetry domain already did not have newly to be allowed to develop, he also could not again innovate. Therefore he also cannot obtain present the status. In modern this economy high speed development time, the people usually all are occupy under the serious pressure to live. By now the people could have the demand which one kind relaxed, thereupon needed art to meet people's intense need. But the poetry took one lofty literary arts, can appreciate it the person only to be able to be minority. Just like the former spring snow could not not be able to reach an agreement, only was the people likes the Song of the Rustic Poor, because the spring snow how many people have not been able to hear! The poetry also is so. In present this fast-food culture popular age, even if the people can appreciate the poetry, perhaps also is willing to choose the novel to take usual whiling away the time. Because the people usually worked the study originally already were spend the mental ability very much the work, again wanted them to use the thoughts to ponder over the poetry connotation, perhaps did not have how many people to want. But the novel does for whiles away the time the literature, needs the connotation which the people thoroughly pondered to be after all limited, and has has the splendid plot, can very easy let the person have the reading pleasant sensation. These all are the poetry is unable to compare. Looks like me, contrasts said, in the study -odd, I likes reaching agreement Jin Yong but is not Li Bai. Is not I does not like Li Bai, but is Jin Yong the pleasant sensation which brings to me must 白要 be more direct than Li and be much clearer. I thought this should be also the majority person's feeling. Human's development, must receive the external environment the restriction. Whether outstanding, key in oneself; Whether but obtains others' acknowledgement exterior, or depends on. These already were not the manpower may in order to. Because of the time difference, society's demand was being different, has created poetry literature declining and novel starting. But poetry literature declining and novel starting, also was doomed Li Bai eventually not to be able to obtain the most people's affection compared to Jin Yong. Perhaps furthermore, the literature literature style difference, also is Li Bai lives in the now achievement is inferior to Jin Yong's reason. The poetry took one highly enriched literary arts, it must express is many only is one kind of sentiment: Poem word will. The poetry distinctive quality, let it have an greater distance with other artistic forms, for instance: Film and television, game. But the film and television, the game also is art manifestation which now most receives welcome. The poetry with theirs distance, causes the poetry to transform into these forms with difficulty. But this creates the poetry to obtain the majority person's affection with difficulty. The novel is different, the novel has the integrity the plot. Its connotation, are many is depends on the plot to display. But plot, also is the film and television and the game important element. This makes the novel to be very easy to transform into the film and television and the game, thus obtains the majority person's approval. The novel can melt into other art compared to the poetry, this was doomed the novel development potential to have to be much bigger than the poetry. The spoken lines, have gained the money also must be much more than the poetry. Therefore, if Li Bai lives in now, his achievement also absolutely does not compare Jin Yong!
第4个回答  2007-02-21
第5个回答  2007-02-24
Li Bai becomes the signing a treaty professional poet's speech, his income can surmount now literary arena first person of Jin Yong? Li Bai becomes the signing a treaty professional poet's speech, his income can surmount now literary arena first person of Jin Yong? Those two all are the present person, they write the article together, Li Bai write the poetry, Jin Yong write the novel, their who can gain more money!

I thought absolutely is Jin Yong! Time already different, society's demand has been dissimilar In the Tang Dynasty, everybody love the poem, composes a poem, enjoys the poem. If some people can write a good poem, can obtain surely the person to pursue holds, looks like Li Bai is this. But in now, the poetry in is not the literature mainstream, the society to the poetry the pursue also no longer initially. If Li Bai lives in the present age, some how many people know him or a question! Because of the Li Bai present status, not merely is because his poem can write obtains. Also because he has developed the poetry scope, has created a romanticism peak, this is the predecessor cannot achieve, but Li Bai achieved. But if he in the present age, the ancient poetry domain already did not have newly to be allowed to develop, he also could not again innovate. Therefore he also cannot obtain present the status.

In modern this economy high speed development time, the people usually all are occupy under the serious pressure to live. By now the people could have the demand which one kind relaxed, thereupon needed art to meet people's intense need. But the poetry took one lofty literary arts, can appreciate it the person only to be able to be minority. Just like the former spring snow could not not be able to reach an agreement, only was the people likes the Song of the Rustic Poor, because the spring snow how many people have not been able to hear! The poetry also is so.

In present this fast-food culture popular age, even if the people can appreciate the poetry, perhaps also is willing to choose the novel to take usual whiling away the time. Because the people usually worked the study originally already were spend the mental ability very much the work, again wanted them to use the thoughts to ponder over the poetry connotation, perhaps did not have how many people to want. But the novel does for whiles away the time the literature, needs the connotation which the people thoroughly pondered to be after all limited, and has has the splendid plot, can very easy let the person have the reading pleasant sensation. These all are the poetry is unable to compare. Looks like me, contrasts said, in the study -odd, I likes reaching agreement Jin Yong but is not Li Bai. Is not I does not like Li Bai, but is Jin Yong the pleasant sensation which brings to me must 白要 be more direct than Li and be much clearer. I thought this should be also the majority person's feeling.

Human's development, must receive the external environment the restriction. Whether outstanding, key in oneself; Whether but obtains others' acknowledgement exterior, or depends on. These already were not the manpower may in order to. Because of the time difference, society's demand was being different, has created poetry literature declining and novel starting. But poetry literature declining and novel starting, also was doomed Li Bai eventually not to be able to obtain the most people's affection compared to Jin Yong.

Perhaps furthermore, the literature literature style difference, also is Li Bai lives in the now achievement is inferior to Jin Yong's reason. The poetry took one highly enriched literary arts, it must express is many only is one kind of sentiment: Poem word will. The poetry distinctive quality, let it have an greater distance with other artistic forms, for instance: Film and television, game. But the film and television, the game also is art manifestation which now most receives welcome. The poetry with theirs distance, causes the poetry to transform into these forms with difficulty. But this creates the poetry to obtain the majority person's affection with difficulty.

The novel is different, the novel has the integrity the plot. Its connotation, are many is depends on the plot to display. But plot, also is the film and television and the game important element. This makes the novel to be very easy to transform into the film and television and the game, thus obtains the majority person's approval. The novel can melt into other art compared to the poetry, this was doomed the novel development potential to have to be much bigger than the poetry. The spoken lines, have gained the money also must be much more than the poetry. Therefore, if Li Bai lives in now, his achievement also absolutely does not compare Jin Yong!
