

肯德基 英文全称Kentucky FRIED CHICKEN

肯德基简称KFC,是世界最大的炸鸡连锁餐厅。六十年前, 桑德斯上校(Colonel Harland Sanders)研发出由十一种香料组合而成的独家炸鸡配方,后来则发展成现在的肯德基。 肯德基遍布全球八十余个国家,目前拥有超过九千六百家店。在这个地球上,每天都有一家肯德基开幕。不论是在中国大陆的长城或是巴黎繁忙的市中心、从保加利亚风光明媚的苏菲亚市中心以至阳光满布的波多黎各街道,处处都可见到以桑德斯上校熟悉的脸孔为招牌的肯德基餐厅。




肯德基属於百胜餐饮集团,是世界上最成功的消费品公司之一。其下三大系统为餐厅业、饮料业、及休闲食品业,肯德基与其他两个知名的餐厅系统---必胜客及塔可钟(Taco Bell)、东方既白,都为百胜餐饮集团所统筹。





肯德基公司所属世界上最大的餐厅集团--百胜全球餐饮集团,集团内有包括分布在超过100个国家和地区的近 30,000 家连锁的世界著名的肯德基餐厅、必胜客餐厅、Taco Bell 餐厅。

Colonel Harland Sanders, born September 9, 1890, actively began franchising his chicken business at the age of 65. Now, the KFC?business he started has grown to be one of the largest quick service food service systems in the world. And Colonel Sanders, a quick service restaurant pioneer, has become a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit.

More than a billion of the Colonel's "finger lickin' good" chicken dinners are served annually. And not just in North America. The Colonel's cooking is available in more than 80 countries and territories around the world.

When the Colonel was six, his father died. His mother was forced to go to work, and young Harland had to take care of his three-year-old brother and baby sister. This meant doing much of the family cooking. By the age of seven, he was a master of several regional dishes.

At age 10, he got his first job working on a nearby farm for a month. When he was 12, his mother remarried and he left his home near Henryville, Ind., for a job on a farm in Greenwood, Ind. He held a series of jobs over the next few years, first as a 15-year-old streetcar conductor in New Albany, Ind., and then as a 16-year-old private, soldiering for six months in Cuba.

After that he was a railroad fireman, studied law by correspondence, practiced in justice of the peace courts, sold insurance, operated an Ohio River steamboat ferry, sold tires, and operated service stations. When he was 40, the Colonel began cooking for hungry travelers who stopped at his service station in Corbin, Ky. He didn't have a restaurant then, but served folks on his own dining table in the living quarters of his service station.

As more people started coming just for food, he moved across the street to a motel and restaurant that seated 142 people. Over the next nine years, he perfected his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices and the basic cooking technique that is still used today.

Sander's fame grew. Governor Ruby Laffoon made him a Kentucky Colonel in 1935 in recognition of his contributions to the state's cuisine. And in 1939, his establishment was first listed in Duncan Hines' "Adventures in Good Eating."

In the early 1950s a new interstate highway was planned to bypass the town of Corbin. Seeing an end to his business, the Colonel auctioned off his operations. After paying his bills, he was reduced to living on his 5 Social Security checks.

Confident of the quality of his fried chicken, the Colonel devoted himself to the chicken franchising business that he started in 1952. He traveled across the country by car from restaurant to restaurant, cooking batches of chicken for restaurant owners and their employees. If the reaction was favorable, he entered into a handshake agreement on a deal that stipulated a payment to him of a nickel for each chicken the restaurant sold. By 1964, Colonel Sanders had more than 600 franchised outlets for his chicken in the United States and Canada. That year, he sold his interest in the U.S. company for million to a group of investors including John Y. Brown Jr., who later was governor of Kentucky from 1980 to 1984. The Colonel remained a public spokesman for the company. In 1976, an independent survey ranked the Colonel as the world's second most recognizable celebrity.

Under the new owners, Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation grew rapidly. It went public on March 17, 1966, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange on January 16, 1969. More than 3,500 franchised and company-owned restaurants were in worldwide operation when Heublein Inc. acquired KFC Corporation on July 8, 1971, for 5 million.

Kentucky Fried Chicken became a subsidiary of R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. (now RJR Nabisco, Inc.), when Heublein Inc. was acquired by Reynolds in 1982. KFC was acquired in October 1986 from RJR Nabisco, Inc. by PepsiCo, Inc., for approximately 0 million.

In January 1997, PepsiCo, Inc. announced the spin-off of its quick service restaurants -- KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut -- into an independent restaurant company, Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. In May 2002, the company announced it received shareholders' approval to change it's corporation name to Yum! Brands, Inc. The company, which owns A&W All-American Food Restaurants, KFC, Long John Silvers, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants, is the world's largest restaurant company in terms of system units with nearly 32,500 in more than 100 countries and territories.

Until he was fatally stricken with leukemia in 1980 at the age of 90, the Colonel traveled 250,000 miles a year visiting the KFC restaurants around the world.

And it all began with a 65-year-old gentleman who used his 5 Social Security check to start a business.
第1个回答  2007-06-29
肯德基的名字KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的缩写

1987年11月12日肯德基在中国的第一家餐厅在北京前门繁华地带正式开业。以此为起点,肯德基开始摸索,学习中国社会和市场,逐步打造具有中国特色的管理模式。 1992年全国餐厅总数为10家;到1995年,发展到71家。1996年6月25日,肯德基中国第100家店在北京成立。这是一个里程碑,标志着肯德基在中国进入了一个更加稳步发展的阶段。
此同时成长的是肯德基在中国广大消费者心目中的形象。1999年根据全球著名的AC尼尔森调研公司在中国30个城市16,677份问卷调查显示, 最早进入中国市场的西式快餐--肯德基, 因其独有的美食和品质,被中国消费者公认为“顾客最常惠顾的”品牌,并在中国名列前十个国际著名品牌的榜首。

第2个回答  2007-06-29
肯德基的标记 KFC 是英文Kentucky Fried Chicken (肯德基炸鸡)的 缩写, 山德士上校的成功起始于他 40岁在肯德基州经营Corbin 加油站时。


1987年11月12日肯德基在中国的第一家餐厅在北京前门繁华地带正式开业。以此为起点,肯德基开始摸索,学习中国社会和市场,逐步打造具有中国特色的管理模式。 1992年全国餐厅总数为10家;到1995年,发展到71家。1996年6月25日,肯德基中国第100家店在北京成立。这是一个里程碑,标志着肯德基在中国进入了一个更加稳步发展的阶段。
与此同时成长的是肯德基在中国广大消费者心目中的形象。1999年根据全球著名的AC尼尔森调研公司在中国30个城市16,677份问卷调查显示, 最早进入中国市场的西式快餐--肯德基, 因其独有的美食和品质,被中国消费者公认为“顾客最常惠顾的”品牌,并在中国名列前十个国际著名品牌的榜首。




第3个回答  2007-06-27
第4个回答  2007-06-29