
随着中国越来越国际化,国际通用语言:英语就显得尤为重要,在我看来学习英语最重要的一点就是:坚持!三天打鱼两天晒网,没有恒心,是不行的。技能的熟练要有一个过程,在这个过程中会遇到各种困难,但不能向困难低头,要坚持不懈地反复学习,持之以恒。每天背10个单词,不要以为10个单词很少,只要你坚持很快10个就会变成几千个,还有一点也很重要,就是:应用, 比如在吃饭、洗碗、聊天、上网、洗脸、洗脚、洗衣服、做家务事的时候,可把录音和电视打开听英语;比如看电影、看新闻、听歌曲,看小说也要英文的;比如电脑上可装英文的操作系统和应用软件;比如上网用英文聊天,等等。总之,要根据自己的条件营造一个外语环境,这样在不知不觉中过了一段时间后,你会发现已经懂了许多,而且会感觉学外语其实不难,也可以很轻松!


With China's growing international and international common language : English on it is particularly important, It seems to me to learn English the most important point is : adhere! three-day fishing two days off, no perseverance, is not acceptable. Proficiency in skills should have a process, in this process will encounter various difficulties, but not bow to difficulties. We should make unremitting efforts to repeatedly study and perseverance. Every day with 10 words, we should not think that 10 little words, as long as you insist on 10 soon will become thousands. It is also very important, and that is : applications, such as a meal, washing dishes, chat, Internet, wash, washed, laundry, domestic chores when recording and can be open to listen to English television; For example, see a movie, watch the news and listen to songs, have read the novel in English; For example, the computer can be installed in English operating systems and application software; For example, online chatting in English, and so on. In short, according to its own conditions to create a foreign language environment, so imperceptibly over a period of time, You will find that many have mastered, it will feel good language program is not difficult, or very easy!