
1、 中国有五千年的历史。
2、 我们的教室有十公尺长,五公尺宽。
3、 我们将尽可能地满足你的特殊需要。
4、 请把旅行要用的东西准备好。
5、 春天来了,田野充满了生机。
6、 那项工作要花许多年才能完成。
7、 我们的目的是建设一个完美的国家。
8、 在我们的国家还有不少的人认为干体力活是下贱的。
9、 这个地方重新命名为纽约。
10、 在一些工业先进的国家,教育是免费的。
11、 我来帮你把这个盒子搬进你的房间好吗?
12、 实验已经证明,这种理论是正确的。
13、 据说鱼不仅能识别颜色,而且还能识别图形。
14、 他来大学学习之前一直在工厂干活。
15、 在很早的时候,人们曾以为地球是平的。
16、 那位皇帝把那些城墙连接起来,形成一座连绵不断的城墙,也就是现在人们所说的“万里长城”。
17、 我真不知道如何用英文把我的想法表达出来。
18、 由于政治观点的不同,他在美国政府的压力之下离开了那个国家。
19、 他会告诉她在什么地方找到钥匙。
20、 他的痛苦多半都是由于他对事物的价值认识上的错误。
21、 一切有生命的东西似乎和平相处。
22、 她不知什么时候走了(我们没注意)。
23、 所有的鱼都死了,池塘成了一潭死水。
24、 你知道这些植物为什么只开花不结果吗?
25、 在我看来你应该马上动身去北京。
26、 我猜想你过得一定很愉快。
27、 他作业中有一些错误教师没有注意到。
28、 我承认,我对她了解的很少。
29、 他根本不愿意来。
30、 他们相信他,因为他很有经验。
31、 使我烦恼的那些问题变得很严重了。
32、 母亲日夜照料她生病的女儿。
33、 这些人一直受到另一部落的管辖。
34、 进口材料比本地产品要贵的多。
35、 你以为他们每个月花什么钱?
36、 别装着什么都不知道。
37、 我不知道她是什么时候知道这件事的。
38、 我们应尽最大的努力满足人民的需要。
39、 他们在市场上买幸福的尝试注定要失败。
40、 不管你愿意不愿意那件事你都得去干。
41、 他们工作得那样努力,取得成功是不足为怪的。
42、 我们有充分的理由相信他是一位好同志。
43、 在阅读的时候你最好把字典放在手边。
44、 据说这种方法可以恢复你的青春。
45、 我来是出于真正的兴趣,而不只是为了好玩。
46、 互爱,互助,相互信赖的人才是真朋友。

1 China has a 5,000-year history
2 Our classroom is 10 meters long and five meters wide
3 We will try to meet your special needs
4 Please travel with things ready
5 Spring comes, the field is full of vigor
6 That task would take many years to complete
7 Our aim is to build a perfect country
8 In our country there are many people that do the physical work is contemptible
9 Re-naming the place of New York
10 In some advanced industrial countries, education is free
11 I come to help you put the box into the room you alright?
12 The experiment proved that this theory is correct
13 It is said that fish not only can recognize colors, but also to identify graphics
14 He came to study in a university has been in a factory before working
15 In the very early time, people have thought that the earth is flat
16 That emperor who link up the walls, forming a continuous wall is now called "The Great Wall."
17 I really do not know how to use English to make my views heard.
18 Due to the different political views, he's in the United States government, under pressure to leave the country
19 He would tell her where to find the keys
20 He is the most painful things because he recognized the value of the error.
21 All living things seem to live in peace
22 I do not know when time she left
23 All the fish had died, the pond has become stagnant
24 Do you know why these plants flowering not only results?
25 It seems to me you should leave immediately to Beijing
26 I guess you must be very happy flies
27 He operations some teachers have no wrong notes.
28 I admit that I have very little understanding of her.
29 he simply unwilling to.
30 as they believe him, because he is very experienced.
31 I am troubled by those issues become very serious.
32 Cared for her mother the night sick daughter.
33 These people have been subject to the jurisdiction of another tribe.
34 Imported materials than local products more expensive.
35 Do you think they spend a lot of money every month?
36 Do not mind not know anything
37 I do not know what time she is aware of this incident
38 We shall make its best efforts to satisfy the needs of the people.
39 In the market to buy happiness attempt is doomed to failure.
40 Whether you like it or not those things you have to slog away.
41 As they work in the efforts to achieve the success is not surprising.
42 We have ample reason to believe that he was a good comrade.
43 In reading the dictionary your best to keep on hand.
44 It said that this method can resume your youth
45 I came out of genuine interest, and not just for fun.
46 Mutual love, mutual help and mutual trust of the people is the true friend.

第1个回答  2007-06-27