
冰桶挑战全称为“ALS冰桶挑战赛”(ALS Ice Bucket Challenge),这个活动要求参与者在网络上发布自己被冰水浇遍全身的视频,然后该参与者就可以点名要求其他人来参与这一活动。活动规定,被邀请的人要么在24小时内接受挑战,要么就选择为对抗“肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症”捐出100美元。

第1个回答  2014-10-22
ALS ,a brief name of ALS Ice Bucket Challenge,is a newly popular activity ,which requires each participant to appoint the next one to take such a challenge exposing the video indicating they was poured totally by ice water after they complete.The activity's rule is that the invited must accept challenge within 24 hours or donate $100 against the disease called ALS.Of course ,The move does not mainly aim at appreciating celebrities perform but gathering the more wide concerns over ALS and moneys to resist the disease .本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2014-10-22
The full name of ice basket challenge is ALS ice bucket challenge.追答

This activity require

第3个回答  2014-10-22




ALS ice bucket challenge is an activity requiring participants publish a Video (he who is dumped by a large bucket of ice water) Then the participant can order others to take part in. Following is the regulation of this activity: The invited person must fulfill the action within 24 hours or donate $100 to confront the ALS. The main purpose of this activity is not for making fun of those stars , but for attracting more concerns ALS , and collect money at the same time.

ALS ice bucket challenge is an activity requiring participants publish a Video (he who is dumped by a large bucket of ice water) Then the participant can order others to take part in. Following is the regulation of this activity: The invited person must fulfill the action within 24 hours or donate $100 to confront the ALS.

The main purpose of this activity is not for making fun of those stars , but for attracting more concerns ALS , and collect money at the same time.
