以“If you believe,you can achieve”为题的英语的作文 急~


if you believe, you can achieve
There are many factors that can make a person successful in life. Whether he is at school or at work, a person is more likely to succeed if he is hard-working, honest, intelligent, responsible, and so on. But of all the possible characteristics that can affect one’s success, I believe self-confidence is the most important because of the following reasons.
The first reason is that a person will believe in himself when he has self-confidence. He believes that he can and he will succeed, and this gives him the courage to try new things. In order to be successful we must be willing to take some risks, so having self-confidence is very important. The second reason is that a confident person rarely gives up. When he fails he tries again and again till he wins.
Another reason is that confident people are not afraid to show off their achievements. It doesn’t mean that they should brag, but that they should confidently accept the congratulations of others. When their achievements are noticed more by others at school or work, they are more likely to succeed.
In short, if you believe, you can achieve. No matter what happens to you in your growth, just believe in yourself. You are the next miracle!
促成一个人成功的因素有很多. 不论是念书或工作,如果可以努力、诚实、聪明、负责任等,就比较有可能成功. 但在所有可能影响成功与否的特点中,基于下列理由,我认为自信最重要.
第一个理由就是,当一个人有自信的时候,就会相信自己的能力. 他会相信自己可以而且一定会成功,这一点让他有勇气尝试新事物. 想要成功,我们必须愿意冒险,所以有自信是很重要的. 另一个理由是,有信心的人很少放弃,即使失败了,还是会不断尝试,直到成功. 最后一个理由是,有信心的人不怕炫耀自己的成就,这并不表示他们应该自夸,而是应该有信心地接受别人的祝贺. 当他们在学业或工作上的成就更受人注目时,成功的可能性就更高了.
简言之,如果你相信,你就能做任何事情. 不管在你成长的道路上会发生什么事情,只要相信自己,相信自己就是下一个奇迹.
第1个回答  2011-03-27
If you believe , you can success .
Thanks to everyone need to seifconfidence .In other wards ,we should study that imporve
ourself abilities . more and more people be lake of belief at predent .even if coepete is very serious . but we shuould get through achive myself success.
On the other hand ,owe belief to youself insist to struggling.
In a word . If you believe .you can achuive success .本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-04-11
g the Habit

Smokers may have started smoking because their friends did or because it seemed cool. But they keep on smoking because they became addicted to nicotine, one of the chemicals in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.

Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant. That means it increases the heart rate at first and makes people feel more alert (like caffeine, another stimulant). Then it causes depression and fatigue. The depression and fatigue — and the drug withdrawal from nicotine — make people crave another cigarette to perk up again. According to many experts, the nicotine in tobacco is as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

But don't be discouraged; millions of Americans have permanently quit smoking. These strategies can help you quit, too:

Put it in writin
g. People who want to make a change often are more successful when they put it in writing. So write down all the reasons why you want to quit smoking, such as the money you will save or the stamina you'll gain for playing sports. Keep that list where you can see it, and add to it as you think of new reasons.

Get support.
People whose friends and family help them quit are much more likely to succeed. If you don't want to tell your parents or family that you smoke, make sure your friends know, and consider confiding in a counselor or other adult you trust. And if you're having a hard time finding people to support you (if, say, all your friends smoke and none of them is interested in quitting), you might consider joining a support group, either in person or online.
第3个回答  2011-03-29
When you believe, and try to I think, all problems will not problem, when we walk on the street, you can get angry because a garbage? But if you will it picks up, and threw it into the dustbin, then, you are creating a miracle. When you believe, that there is nothing to it.


第4个回答  2011-04-03
f you believe , you can success .
Thanks to everyone need to seifconfidence .In other wards ,we should study that imporve
ourself abilities . more and more people be lake of belief at predent .even if coepete is very serious . but we shuould get through achive myself success.
On the other hand ,owe belief to youself insist to struggling.
In a word . If you believe .you can achuive success !