
Revenue-generating value exchanges are but part of the picture in a value network. The flow of
knowledge value and intangible value is of equal importance. Please note there are no double-headed
or unlabeled arrows in this analysis approach. Unlabeled or double-headed arrows are meaningless.
Diagrammed this way, however, we know exactly who initiates the exchange, what specific value or
product is being conveyed, and who receives it. With this level of detail, we can analyze value
creation from multiple perspectives such as time, goals, resources, results, costs, or value added by
linking the diagram to analysis tables. Note also that the originators and recipients are real people or
groups of people. In the rush to understand the wild and wooly world of e-commerce, people often
confuse the mechanism with the exchange. New technologies are only pipelines for knowledge and
value exchange. The exchange is what is really important.

This example shows a straightforward exchange of goods and services for revenue, knowledge
exchanged for knowledge, and an intangible exchanged for an intangible. Knowledge is the most
interesting currency of all, because knowledge can be exchanged for any of the three! We can
exchange knowledge for money in the form of a knowledge product or service, we can exchange
knowledge for knowledge, and we can exchange knowledge for an intangible. An example of
exchanging knowledge for an intangible would be when Sun Microsystems gave away its Java
technology in hope of generating a web of loyal users, thus exchanging knowledge for loyalty.
Unfortunately for the Java alliance, the dynamics of this were only partially understood, and the
returns were not fully realized.

Revenue-generating value exchanges are but part of the picture in a value network. The flow of knowledge value and intangible value is of equal importance. Please note there are no double-headed or unlabeled arrows in this analysis approach. Unlabeled or double-headed arrows are meaningless.
创收值交易只是图中价值网的一部分,知识流价值和无形价值同等重要,请记住二者不会相互干扰 或者在分析法中那些未标明的方向。不标明或者相互干扰都是没有意义的。
Diagrammed this way, however, we know exactly who initiates the exchange, what specific value or product is being conveyed, and who receives it. With this level of detail, we can analyze value creation from multiple perspectives such as time, goals, resources, results, costs, or value added by linking the diagram to analysis tables. Note also that the originators and recipients are real people or groups of people. 然而,通过此法图解之后,谁先开始做第一次交易就很明了了,这种特殊价值或者价值产出俨然于眼前,包括谁最终受益者。根据图示这些细节,我们已经可以对价值创造的多重差别包括时间,目标,资源,结果,消耗,价值体现通过一个图形分析表进行分析。备注中也同时说明最初开始者和最终接受人都是真真切切的现实里的人。
In the rush to understand the wild and wooly world of e-commerce, people often confuse the mechanism with the exchange. New technologies are only pipelines for knowledge and value exchange. The exchange is what is really important.
人们想迫切搞明白这疯狂又令人捉摸不透的世界中的电子商务学科,但对于交易机制常常伤透了脑筋。新科技是知识和价值的交换管道 ,因此交换而显得尤为重要。
This example shows a straightforward exchange of goods and services for revenue, knowledge exchanged for knowledge, and an intangible exchanged for an intangible. Knowledge is the most interesting currency of all, because knowledge can be exchanged for any of the three! We can exchange knowledge for money in the form of a knowledge product or service, we can exchange knowledge for knowledge, and we can exchange knowledge for an intangible. 这个实例诠释了简单交易和服务于营收,知识价值交换知识价值,无形价值交换无形价值,相关专业知识在此期间是最有意义的,因为知识可以交换以前三种任意一种!我们可以以知识产出或者服务于他人的形式换取等值收入。我们可以用一种知识换取另一种知识,我们可以用知识换取无形价值产物。
An example of exchanging knowledge for an intangible would be when Sun Microsystems gave away its Java technology in hope of generating a web of loyal users, thus exchanging knowledge for loyalty. Unfortunately for the Java alliance, the dynamics of this were only partially understood, and the returns were not fully realized.交换无形价值的模式将会令阳微系统公司在拥有忠实网络用户的希望之下把JAVA技术让出,为此交换信任,却是JAVA联盟的倒霉日,只有部分人明白此举的意义何在,但是最后的收获或许会损失一些。

sun microsystems升阳公司(Sun Microsystems是IT及互联网技术服务公司 (已被甲骨文收购)Sun Microsystems 创建于1982年。主要产品是工作站及服务器。1986年在美国成功上市。1992年升阳推出了市场上第一台多处理器台式机SPARCstation 10 system,并于次年进入财富500强。)
double-headed arrows 利弊双面导向
straightforward exchange 直接交易
第1个回答  2011-04-03

第2个回答  2011-04-03