
I don't know how you look like. The sound of your voice, or the feeling of your hug. You may chose one thing. I will send pictures to people I know on email with pictures from what I'm doing in China during my vacation. I did it on my last trip. I send sometimes once a day, maybe I won't send at all. You would find out how I look like and give you an idea of whom I am. I would be torn between wanting to wait and wanting to know. A person once told me, contradictions are wonderful, it gives meaning to life. Formula 1 is the first thing I will see in Shanghai. Then me and my friend will do a lot of stuff all from boring shopping and sightseeing to bar life & crazy stuff I don't dare to tell an innocent girl like you, I'm afraid your ears might fall off ^^. The choice of pictures is yours if you want to save the discovery or put face to my name. I arrive 15th of April, think about it, let me know.

对了对了,这信的意思是希望我给他发照片还是想要给我发照片然后征求我的意见?在信的最后朋友说you can have time to think about my question of sending you pictures...真的是麻烦大家了...!

第1个回答  2011-04-03
第2个回答  2011-04-03
第3个回答  2011-04-03

