

第1个回答  2011-03-21
We must timely updating our technology, improve the quality of the products. We must ensure that the new equipment or technology will do better than the previous one. We should seriously consider final products in its effect, time consuming and product consistency. The new program will always need related workers and management training. We must record work instructions, good let staff have some standard to be followed. In this case the coach and training is necessary. In our hotel, there had been waiting staff handwritten customer orders, but now changed we are going into a computer order system. Our service cannot have satisfied customers the increasing demand.
第2个回答  2011-03-21
We should update our technology and improve our products quality in time. We must make sure our new equipment or technology is better than the former. We should consider seriously about the consistency of the effect and time cost of our final products . New programme always needs relative operators and managing train. We must take notes of the work instructions so that the staff have some standards to follow. On this occasion, instructors and training is necessary. In our hotel, we have ever waited for the staff to write the indent by hand. But now it has been changed. We are now using the computer order system. Our service hasn't been able to satify the increasing requirements of our clients本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2011-03-21
we have to update our technology and improve the quality of the produce. we have to ensure
that the new equipments or technology will be better than before. we should consider the consistency of the efficacy,the time consumption and the produce. the related staffs are required to train the new procedure. in order to make the staffs follow the standards, we have to record the instructions. in this case, trainer and training are necessary.