

find find[faInd;
faind](found[fand; faund])及物动词1 (努力) 找出a. (寻找而) 找到<人、东西>; 寻获 <遗失的东西等>~ the right man for a job寻找某项工作的适当人选Have you found your car key?.你找到车子的锁匙了吗?The dog was nowhere to be found.到处都找不到那条狗b. 把<东西、人>找出给<某人>;
把<东西、人>找出[给某人][for]Will you ~ me my tennis racket?.请你把我的网球拍找出来好吗?Please ~ her what she wants.请把她所要的东西找出来给她c. 发现<人、东西><在做…>We found the missing girl wandering about the
woods.我们发现那个失踪的女孩在森林中徘徊d. [~ one's way] (辛苦地) 前进,抵达,到达~ one's way home alone独自一个人抵达家门We found our way to the lake.我们到达湖边2 (研究、调查、计算等而) 发现a. 找出 <答案>~ the answer to a problem找出问题的答案F~ the cube root of 71.求 71 的立方根b. 查明,想出…I must ~ when the next bus starts.我必须查一查下一班公共汽车什么时候开Please ~ how to do it.请想一想如何做那件事c. 查出,发现<…事>The doctor found that she had cancer in her
throat.医师发现她有喉癌3 (偶然) 发现a. (无意中) 发现…; 拾得; 碰见…~ a coin in a field (偶然) 在田野间发现 [拾得] 一枚硬币~ a mistake in the book发现书中一点错误They left everything as they found it.他们使一切东西都保持发现时的原状 (不去动它们)b. 发现… <处于某种情况>She found her baby still asleep.她发现婴儿还在睡The soldier was found dead in the woods.那名士兵被发现死在森林中c. 发现…<在做…>I found him lying on the bed.我发现他躺在床上d. 发现…<被…>He found a dog abondoned in the wood.他发现有一条狗被弃于林中e.(文语) <年、月、日等> (在…) 找到<某人等>Two days later found me at Rome.两天后我到了罗马Morning found him still in bed. (.到了) 早上他还在睡4 (由经验等) 得知a. [在…]找到 [认出] <…的存在> ; [在…]经验到
<喜悦、困难等> [in]I found no sense in what he said.我认为他说的话没什么道理He found no difficulty in solving the
problem.他觉得解决该问题并无困难Columbus found a warm supporter in the
Queen.哥伦布发现王后是位热心的支持者b. 认为…<是…>; 知道,发觉,觉得They found his claim reasonable.他们认为他的要求是合理的We found it difficult [easy] to do so.我们觉得那样做是困难的 [容易的]They found the place deserted.他们发现那个地方人烟绝迹I called at her house but found her out.我拜访她的家但发现她不在She was found to be dishonest.她被认为不诚实c. 发觉 <某事物> <…>He found the chest to contain silver
coins.他发现那口箱子里装著银币d. 知道,发觉<…事>I found that I was sinking in the mud.我发觉自己在泥淖中正往下沉I ~ (that) it pays.我发觉它划得来 [合算]I'm sorry, I ~ that I can't help you.很抱歉,我发觉自己无法帮助你5[~ oneself]a. 发现<自己> <在…状态 [场所] > ; 发觉
<…情形>~ oneself alone发觉自己是独自一人~ oneself in a dilemma发觉自己进退[左右]为难After walking two or three hours they found
themselves in a small village.走了两三个小时后,他们来到一个小村庄How do you ~ yourself today (.你今天觉得怎样)b. 发觉<自己><在做…>I found myself lying in my bedroom.我发觉自己躺在卧室里c. 发现<自己> <有做…的能力> ,发现<自己>
<适合做…> ,适得其所At last he found himself as a cook.最后他发现自己适合做厨师d. 自理 [衣食住等] [in]20 a day and ~ yourself (inclothes)日薪二十英镑,膳宿自理 (服装费自理)6 (在…) 可找到…, (知道) (在…) 有…,存在…Lions are found in Africa.非洲有狮子You ~ this plant everywhere in Japan.你在日本可看到各地都有这种植物7a. (设法) 取得 <必需品> ; 找出<时间、金钱等>;
鼓起<勇气等>~ the capital for a new business找到开创新事业的资金~ (the) time [courage] to do it找出时间 [鼓起勇气] 做那件事b. 获得 <想要的东西> ; 拥有→ find FAVOR with a personThe idea found general acceptance.那种想法被普遍接受The new product will ~ a lot of buyers.那个新产品会找到很多买主c. 获得 [恢复] <器官> 的功能,变成可使用…~ one's feet→ foot 成语 (2)→ find one's TONGUEThe young bird found its wings.小鸟学会使用双翼 [会飞了]8<东西>到达; 打中 <目标等> ; 流到The arrow
第1个回答  2015-04-11

