
如何正确看待并有效应对摩擦,已成为国内理论界关注的焦点,本论文主要从贸易角度讨论中国国际贸易摩擦的问题,对我国对外贸易摩擦形成的原因进行分析,并针对我国贸易摩擦的具体现状提出相应的应对措施以提高我国的贸易竞争力。 怎么翻译???

how to correctly think about and react to trade conflict has been focus of attention in domestic theory sector. this paper addresses the international trade conflict of China in respect of trade and make an analysis of the reasons causing the internatioanl trade conflict and propose relevant solutions to the specific situations of Chinese trade conflict so as to improve China's competetiveness in international trade.
个人觉得,你此段论文的某些词应该进行一下修改,使其表述更加明确、连贯和完整,例如“如何正确看待并有效应对摩擦”这一句,你希望表达的意思应该是“贸易摩擦”吧。可是你只用了“摩擦”这个词,所以前面的朋友都翻译成了“friction"。我记得这个词的最原始的意思应该是指物理意义上的碰撞吧。还有最后一句 “提高我国的贸易竞争力”写成“国际/对外贸易竞争力”更为妥帖吧。
这两处比较明显,所以我翻译的时候就把隐含的意思都翻译出来了。我想,如果你想得到一个好的译文,首先要给译者一个良好的语言背景和环境,只有充分的理解上下文,翻译出来的文章才能更加接近source language 的意境。
第1个回答  2011-04-05
译成英语是:How to correctly think and effective coping friction, has become the focus of attention of the domestic scholars, this paper mainly from the trade perspective China international trade friction problem of China's foreign trade, analyzes the causes of friction in China, and put forward the concrete situation trade friction relevant measures to enhance China's trade competitiveness
第2个回答  2011-04-04
How to correctly think and effective coping friction, has become the focus of attention of the domestic scholars, this paper mainly from the trade perspective China international trade friction problem of China's foreign trade, analyzes the causes of friction in China, and put forward the concrete situation trade friction relevant measures to enhance China's trade competitiveness.追问

thank u very much!


How to correctly think and effective coping friction, has become the focus of attention of the domestic scholars, this paper mainly from the trade perspective China international trade friction problem of China's foreign trade, analyzes the causes of friction in China, and put forward the concrete situation trade friction relevant measures to enhance China's trade competitiveness
